Chapter 26 - Saying goodbye

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She's a silver lining, lone ranger riding through an open space. - Arctic Monkeys


Cataleya's POV

"They won't be able to do it," I shouted at him.

He run his hand through his hair in frustration. "Yes they will, they have enough people to help and even your best friend Shaggy is offering to get them inside the building so they can hack into their system."

"Daniel it's too dangerous, what if something goes wrong?" I was beyond annoyed now, Daniel and I have been arguing for the last hour about his plan. I did not like it one bit, he proposed that his gang Leo, Jack, Paris and with my cousin go back to England and eliminate the rival gang. The Boss had agreed to provide other gang members in order to become successful.

As for Daniel and I we were going to stay in Spain and find my fake parents to eliminate them, I told Daniel I would be able to do it along but he said he won't leave me alone not because he doesn't trust me but because he wants to be there for me. He thinks that once I kill my fake parents I will lose control, whatever that means.

He stepped forward and held onto my hands gently. "Sweetheart trust me on this, I know what I'm doing and it's best this way. Don't you want to end everything right away? I know how much you hate this life and I promise you that as soon as everything and you will be together forever and there's nothing that will get in-between us." He kissed my forehead. I looked up and him and smiled, he smiled back and hugged me tight.

"What are we doing today?" I asked since Daniel was the one making the plans.

"We're driving our friends to the airport then we're coming back to the mansion and planning the attack on your parents." He responded.

After a few seconds he let go of me and sat on the on the balcony. "I might have found new information, your parents are being protected by the Spanish police as well as the army. Apparently they found out that you have returned to Spain."

"But why would they be scared of me? They don't know that I have been working for gangs."

He itched his head as if he was debating whether to tell me what he was about to say. "Someone sent them pictures and information of what you have done in the past. They didn't take it well and they bought protection."

"WHO SENT THEM INFORMATION?" I couldn't believe what he was telling me, no one knew about my past except the gangs that I used to work for.

"I did." He looked ashamed and if I could I would probably get the hidden gun in the room and shot him straight through the brain.

I didn't yell at him, to be honest I didn't really care that it was Daniel. Because he was honest and told me before I found out myself. "Why?" I whispered.

"Because I wasn't thinking straight, when I arrived in Spain and I saw you with Sergio I got jealous and I wanted to get revenge in a number of ways....Even though I don't want to lose you I would understand if you changed your mind about us....I always fuck up and I'm sorry." His head was in his hands and I smiled at how cute and innocent he looked.

I put my arms around his neck and hugged him from behind, he seemed very surprised. "It's okay, I understand."

He stared at me as if I was a alien from outer space. "Who are you and what have you done to Cataleya?"

I rolled my eyes and whacked him round the head. "How dramatic and you just ruined a perfect moment." He held his head and pouted, I found it cute.

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