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The car was filled with silence. The kind that made you squirm and desperately try to think of something to say. Which Valkyrie was trying to do.

"So, uh... any new cases?"

"I don't think so."


"Anyone we have an excuse to punch?"



"Any chance you'll start giving me actual answers instead of these annoying vague ones?"

"Possibly; if you ask nicely."

"Would you, Skulduggery Pleasant, please give me a proper answer?"

"I'll consider."

She rolled her eyes. He was better than yesterday, at least there was that.

"Any new leads?"


She glared at him.

"I mean... no, we don't have any new leads. Happy?"


She and Skulduggery were still working on finding the maker of the shadow-thingy. Neither had the slightest clue as to who it could be; at first they suspected Solomon Wreath, Valkyrie's old necromancy instructor, but banished the idea almost as soon as they had voiced it; what did he have against them? Why would he create such a monster?

So they had literally no idea who they were after. Just that they were good at necromancy. Which didn't exactly narrow down the possibilities.

"Are you doing anything this evening?"

She looked at him. "I'm literally waiting on you Skul. I'm not doing anything you're not."

"Right. Well. I was thinking..."


"That maybe... maybe I... we..."

She softened her gaze, waiting for the words to come out.

"Well, maybe we could go see a..."


"A sensitive."

She looked at him, smiling. This was exactly what he needed.

She covered the skeletal hand on the gear stick with hers.

"I'll come with you."

"I'd appreciate that."

He tilted his head. Smiling.



"So, what now?"

"We still have to work on that case."

"Well, maybe we could take the day off?"

"We? I'm the one with horrifying memories, excuse me."



He glanced over to see her face turn down sadly, pain in her eyes. Pity.

He didn't want her pity.

"We're going to get through this. You'll see."

Both hoped that they would with all of their hearts, physical and figurative.


"Do you mind if we visit Ghastly today? I feel bad for not seeing him yesterday."

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