Disregard (IMPORTANT A/N)

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"So, what exactly is the problem?"

They looked at each other, hesitating. What was the matter with him?

"Well," he started warily, "I suppose I've been... off these past few months."

"So I've heard," the sensitive nodded encouragingly, "But there's more?"

He stopped, not sure what to say. After a minute or so of waiting, she sighed and turned to Valkyrie with a smile. She always seemed to be smiling, this one.

"Perhaps you could give us your perspective of the situation?" The sensitive saw her apprehension. "Please speak honestly; lies will get us no where, and I'd feel a lot safer knowing that the two of you were saving the world."

Valkyrie nodded. "Okay..." she trailed off, not looking at Skulduggery. "Well, since the incident with the shadow-thingy, you've... he's... ugh, who am I talking to?"

"Talk to me, Valkyrie," the sensitive said.

She closed her eyes. "Right. So ever since the incident, he's been acting strange. He doesn't speak. He doesn't meditate. He hardly ever reacts to my deprecating comments. And-"

She held back the words before they could spill. 

The sensitive sighed. "You understand that if you hold anything back, it just seems more important to me. I will find out what you were going to say, whether you tell me or not."

Valkyrie stood up, suddenly angry. "Who are you to speak to me like that? I'm not one of those desperate people who cries and watches a loved one go insane! I want to do something about it! But if you think you can suddenly just- just take charge, like we're some mindless pieces of-"

The sensitive shot up and was in her face before she finished her sentence.

"Don't you dare talk about my clients like that. I will not tolerate it. You think mental health is a joke? That it can be cured with a smile and a pat on the back? A spell or sigil perhaps? Because it can't. This sort of thing takes two things; time and co operation. No one has ever come to me without needing my help. And no one has said goodbye without having gotten it. Because they wanted to get better. Now, I get the feeling you two lovebirds" Valkyrie gasped "Want to be in Eden by the end of the week, but it's not that simple. So you can either get my help and work with me,  or get out."

The sensitive was doing everything but smiling at that moment. Her face was set, her eyes dark and menacing. She stood straight, and even though she was shorter, Valkyrie was the one to take a step back. Her frowning mouth and creased eye brows were the only features that hinted at her displeasure. She relaxed them as she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose sitting down on the swivel chair heavily.

Everyone was quiet, Valkyrie frozen in shock, the sensitive slouched, Skulduggery on the couch, probably not paying attention.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" the sensitive sighed as she put her head in her hands, "I really want to help you, but I'm just not sure if this is going to work."

Valkyrie shook her head, more to her self than anyone else in the room. "Listen, I'll talk, okay? It's not like we have any secrets, apparently..."

She looked up questioningly before snorting. "You thought you were being discreet? I saw you holding hands from the door window, so you can just imagine what everyone on the corridor-" she stopped when she noticed Valkyrie's shocked expression. "However, I happen to be very observant," she said hurriedly, "And I'm certain no one else noticed."

Valkyrie laughed. "Whatever." She shrugged, "We were bound to be found out eventually."

The two smiled at each other, back on good terms.

"My name's Erin, by the way." She looked over at the unmoving skeleton. "Should he be breathing?"

Valkyrie shrugged. "I don't think so."

"Um, hello? Skulduggery? Are you breathing? Or physically able to breathe?" she waved a hand in front of his unresponsive face.

"Hmm. Interesting." Tentatively, as if waiting for him to pounce, Erin placed a hesitant hand on his skull. He didn't move.

Relaxing slightly, she closed her eyes, brows furrowed in concentration.

They stayed like that for a good ten minutes or more, Valkyrie watching, confused, from the chair. 

Suddenly, they jumped apart, Erin running over to her desk, Skulduggery shooting up like he'd had an electric shock.

"What the hell was that?" he shouted, shoulders tensing.

"Skul? What happened?" Valkyrie ran over to him. He melted into her arms. 

"I don't- I-"

"Just try to relax." They turned to see Erin desperately scribbling something down on a blank page, "I had to see where you went when you zoned out like that..." she grunted and crossed something out.

"You just walked into my head? Without asking?" he was aghast.

"Well, technically I didn't walk into your head. Such a feat isn't literally possible," she sighed, content, and put the pen down, "But yes, I looked into your mind. And let me tell you; I haven't seen anything like it in a long, long time."

"How so?" asked Val, sitting herself down and pulling Skul with her.

"Well, you see-" suddenly, a buzzing noise filled the air. Swearing under her breath, Erin rummaged through the papers before retrieving a phone. She jabbed at the screen before pressing it to her ear, giving the two apologetic looks.

"Hello? Hey, listen, I told you I'd be at work... What?... No, I haven't... Fine, fine, I'll go." She hung up and gave a long sigh.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"I have to go to a ballet recital. Ballet." she shuddered as she pulled on her coat.

"What? But we-"

"We seem to be completely disregarding the fact that my mind was just violated-"

"Oh, get used to it. I get the feeling that we're not anywhere near helping you."

Then, with a simple wave of a hand, the sensitive strode out of the room.


Okay, I'm finding it really  difficult to write this... and I was thinking of maybe putting it on hold? It's just that suddenly I've had all of these ideas that I want to give time to but, yeah, I can't. I hate doing this; I can be SUPER stubborn, and like to finish what I start. But I don't think I can in this case.

So, I might continue it, I might not, but just to warn you!!

On a happier note...


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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