Chapter 3: How you know

Comenzar desde el principio

"Hey bro." I said looking at him in a "My bad way"

"Man, who told you to be ranging people door bells at 8:00 in the morning." he said looking even more annoyed then before. " Well.... actually it's only (looks at watch) .... I thought..." I trailed off looking awkwardly at my shoes, because Ray was giving me that "nigga please" glare which what he probably going to say.

"....nigga....please with that.' He said looking back in his house to see his mom looking at him with her arm crossed against here silk lavender robe. " Boy get your behind back in here.... and who is that at this time in the morning anyway." She said walking closer to the door where me and ray were at.

"It's just Roc ma." Ray said looking back at me with a smirk and a wink.

" uh....hey." I said backing up form the thought of what Ray just did.

" Roc why are you here so early boy." She said looking even more annoyed then ray looked before." Well damn I guess I shouldn't mess with this negro's in the morning anymore then." I thought before coming back to reality from ray's mom heavy sigh to indicated that she was becoming impatience with me. " I ain't got all day it's early and i'm tried." she said looking into my eyes.....hard.

" Uh.. oh..... I was just coming over to ask if ray wanted to come to prince house just... to... hang out." I said before trailing off once again because she was giving me the same look ray gave me before, the " nigga please" look.

" Boy.... please it's to early and ray just got home and..... ( looks at Roc with the "nigga please" look)....he really needs to get his rest." She said. " Ok.....then see you later ray." I said walking off his porch. " Alright i'm a text you." He said heading in house by ducking under his mom arm that was holding open the door.

" Ight and bye." I said turning around at the gate entrance and waving at his mom as well." Bye Roc and tell your mother I said hi too." "Alright later." And with that I walked off down the street once again to prince house.

" I've should have know not to stop off at ray's crazy behind house at 8:00 in the damn morning." I thought crossing the street and looking around to make sure nobody saw me as well. " Maybe I should call prince to make sure he up, before just walking up there like ray." I said to myself pulling my phone out my pocket and unlocked my screen which had a picture of a "dope ass cookie monster looking high" has my lock screen.

   Has I unlocked my phone again since I kinda wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I damn near fell off the sidewalk and into the street. " I really hope nobody saw that." I said to myself while dialing his phone number in and putting it to my ear.

(Phone ringing)

(Prince POV)

  I've been sitting her for the past 25 minutes just starring at what prod sent me about a few minutes ago. " Now what would make him sent something like this." I thought with anger raising through me with ever moment I thought about it. But suddenly me phone started ring with "wicked games by the weekend" blasting through my room just like before.


" Wass up man ." A familiar voice said

" Roc.... hey man( looks at clock by his bed)... you do know it's 8:54... in the morning ,Right?." I said with a confused tone on why he was up so early, because before he use to be the last or second to the last one up. I know your probably thinking "Ohh prince you stalking him or something", No, when your on a tour bus living with somebody on and off for 3 years you get to know them a little that's all.

" Well I  see your up since you answer your phone without it ringing more then 5 times like always.'

" You know me the "early bird".... so wass up"

" Man nothing just wanted to know....(line drops)"

"Roc.....hello.... well damn."

  I waited about 10 minutes for him to call back, which he didn't, and had enough of waiting for him to call back and I even called a few times just to make sure, but it sadly didn't happen. So I just put my phone back and grabs some clothes to go take a shower, if he still comes.

*35 minutes later*

  After I got done with my shower (which took to damn long from the fact that I was ROCKING in there but i'm not complaining). I headed down the stairs to surprisingly see roc chilling on his phone and flipping through the tv with his feet on the coffee table.

"Look at this multi-tasking nigga here." I accidentally (wink) said out loud while heading over to the refrigerator to look for something to eat. "Boy..... (looks up from phone) how long does it take you to clean yourself."

"I got to look nice (closes refrigerator door and lean against the counter).... and how did you-" I got cut off by the phone ringing. "I got it ." My mom said running down the stairs with a slipper in her hand.

"Hello?.....hey girl..."

"Anyway....(looks back at Roc).... Roc how you- "(still looking at phone) Oh...I dropped my phone so...." He trailed off looking at me then his phone then me again. " What do you keep starring at." I said looking confused yet annoyed. "Come.....Here.. man." Roc said signaling me with his hand.

  So I walked over there, well I literally ran over there because I was so curious on what he was talking about. "Read what prod send me." "Oh shit." I thought while kneeling over and reading it in my head.

****Text Message (1)******


Watch what you do, because this it's over..... oh and hi prince

You still haven't replied to my other text..... I'm watching ya'll

- Prod

P.S. What happen is what i'm after....

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