"It'll be okay. Don't worry about what they'll say. Just promise me something?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

"Promise me that no matter what happens with plublicity and rumors, you won't leave me." I said looking at her. Her eyes deepened into a darker color, and she smiled.

"I promise." She said scooting closer to me. We pulled each other into a tight hug.

"I love you." I whispered into her ear.

"I love you too."


"PAUL!" I yelled running to him. We were backstage, about to go on to perform in 15 minutes. I jumped into his arms. I hadn't seen him in about a month or more.


"I missed you." I said letting go of him.

"Lad, who is this girlfriend of yours?" He questioned. I then smiled big and looked down at the ground. "Harry?"

"Kate." I replied lifting my head up to look at him. I was smiling so big, and so was he.

"Awww Harry." He said playfully. I felt my cheeks heat. Was I.. Blushing? Kate does this all the time but me? I never do.

"Haz is in love." Louis cooed from behind us. I rolled my eyes and turned around to see all the lads behind Paul and I.

"Harry loves Kate. Harry loves Kate," Niall began chanting, and soon enough, they all were to.

"Yeah, I do." I said smiling and nudging passed them. I walked away from the a bit and pulled out my phone to see Kate texted me.

From: My baby <3

"Good luck out there babe. Have fun. I love you <3"


Awwww, she was so cute. I stared art the text smiling until I decided to reply.

To: My baby <3

"Thanks love. I love you to and I'll see you later on. Xx"


And with that, I turned my phone screen off.

"Harry, go get ready. You and the boys are going on in 5 minutes." Simon said nudging me closer to behind the curtain of the stage where all the boys were standing.

"Simon!" I yelled trying to pull him in a hug, but he nudged me off.

"Not now Harry. You have to perform." He said walking away. I turned to the lads and we all formed a group hug.

"Lets do this." Liam said.

"And now what you all gave been waiting for...... One Direction!" The announcer said. The curtains then opened and we walked out on stage to see thousands of our screaming fans.


"Ill see you soon lads." I said giving them all a hug. We were hanging out for two hours after the concert was over. I walked outside, able to walk freely without fans attacking me. It was passed midnight. After the concert, the lads and I just hung out backstage. I climbed in my car and began driving home. I checked the time.


Wow, almost 1:00am. I hope Kates still up.


I arrived at my flat and unlocked the door to see the living room lights were on, but Kate wasn't in there. I heard guitar playing from the bedroom, which had the door closed.

"It's in his DNA, D-D-D-DNA. It's in his DNA. And he just takes my breath away, b-b-b-breath away. I feel it everyday," Kate sang while playing the guitar. Her voice was so beautiful and perfect. I just continued to listen to her amazing singing, but I wanted to see her at the same time. I slowly creeked the door open to see she was sitting on the edge of the bed with her back turned to me. I must have been really quiet cause she never turned around. She just continued to play and sing. "I see the green in his that helps me see the future," She continued while I just stood behind her. I've heard that song a million times. Its called DNA by Little Mix and its supposed to say "the blue in his eyes" not "the green in his eyes" Why would she change it up? Wait, I have green eyes. Aww, is she singing this for me.

"You know the song is supposed to have blue eyes?" I said smirking behind her. She stopped singing and playing the guitar, quickly turning around to look at me. She looked as if she was shocked. 

"I did that on purpose..." She spoke softly. I could see her cheeks were fuming. Why was she embarrassed?

"And what's that reasoning for?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Don't play stupid, Styles."

"So it was for me?"

"I never said that."

"Thomas, tell me what it was for then." I said smiling at her.

"Alright, you. It was for you, you idiot." She giggled and stood up. She sat the guitar on the floor and sat next to me again.

"Well you have an amazing voice." I complemented. Her cheeks turned red again.

"Thanks.." She whispered looking down at her lap. I put my finger under her chin, forcing her to look at me. I brought my face right infront of hers, so close that the tips of our noses were touching.

"Believe me when I say you're good enough to do anything you want to." I said quietly. "You're better than what people say. Don't believe them." I said applying my lips to hers softly. Our kiss became deeper, and our lips moving in sync together. I then parted from the kiss. "I love everything about you. Your flaws, your personality, and just you."

"I love you so much Harry." 

"I love you too." I said while bringing our kiss back. "You're perfect to me."

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