December 2013

24.5K 820 135

Statistics from the World Health Organisation


Dr Victoria Kahn, Chief Medical Officer, Saint Bartholomew's Hospital, from her article The Virus: Humanity's Natural Archenemy

The most successful virus in the world will be one that keeps its host alive while simultaneously shutting down the body's self-defences. It won't be long before we have such a specimen on our hands.

Dr Barry Evans, naturalist, from her book Mind Control in the Animal Kingdom

There are some species of fish known to alter another species' behaviour. They implant their eggs inside a fish and then make the fish suicidal, so they are easily caught by their natural predator, the heron. Once consumed, the eggs warm up and hatch. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that a virus might evolve to be able to do the same to us; to shut down certain systems, to control the host's behaviour. In essence, we lose our minds to the virus's whims.

Felix Nethershall, historian, from his Ted lecture The Virus & Technology: A Match Made in Heaven

The Black Death killed more than half the human population in the fourteenth century. Not only were we woefully ill-prepared for such an attack, we rather helped it along with our cooperative city living.

Despite our advanced technology, we are no better off when it comes to defence against this invisible killer. And with aeroplanes and the ease of moving across the globe, one can only imagine the terror it might bring upon us should we let it.

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