Chapter 14 - Waking up boutique and One Direction

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"Dad: I'm going to a charity house today. Of course honey. I'll go now, be good." He got up from his chair and kissed me goodbye.

After eating my breakfast, I called each and one of them. I called Niall first, no answer. Harry... No answer. Just then, Liam answered my call.

"Hey Liam. I'm ready to go now. Do you guys still want to go with me?" Straight to the point.

"OMG. You didn't say it will be this early. I'm going to wake the boys up."

"Liam, I'm going there right now. I'll help you wake them up." I know the way.

"Are you sure? Do you even know where our house is?" He was curious.

"Remember yesterday? I dropped off Niall in front of your house. Well, I'll be there in 5. Bye!"

Time to wake up boys.

---Liam's POV---

Anna said that she's going to our house to help me wake the boys up.

*door bell rings*

"Hey. You're fast. Come in." I said nervously. We were not that close but soon, we will be.

"So, who are heavy sleepers here Liam?" Glad you asked. "Zayn would probably be the heaviest." She put her bags down and went to search for Zayn's room. "C'mon Liam. Help me!" She said shouting. I quickly ran to Zayn's room and there I found her shaking Zayn.

After a few minutes, Zayn got up in a shock that Anna was waking her up. "Why are you here Anna?" Zayn asked in his morning voice. "Well, you all agreed to come to my boutique today. Since, it was still early I was thinking of waking you all up." I looked at the clock, it was already 7:15 in the morning.

"Anna, I'm going to wake Niall up. You can wake up Harry. I think Louis is now in the bathroom." I said that and went to Niall's room.

"Hey Niall. Wake up!" This is going to be hard. "Nooo. Go away Liam. I'm still sleepy." He said it and I got an idea. "Niall, wake up. Anna is here." He got up immediately and went to the bathroom. That was good.

"LIAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMM!" I heard a girl shout, it was Anna. Oh my God. What happened to her? "LIAAAAM! Get your arse in Harry's room right now." I ran back up to Harry's room and there I saw Anna.

"What happened to you?"

"You didn't tell me he's naked. Wtf are you thinking." Her words are not good.

"Watch your words missy. Where's Harry?"

"He's in the bathroom. Let's go down. I'll cook breakfast." THANK YOU ANNA.

---Niall's POV---

Liam woke me up saying that Anna is here. I went to have a quick warm shower, brushes my teeth and updated my twitter for a while.

Nothing new on Twitter but I just followed some fans and answered some of their questions.

I went downstairs. Since it was cold outside, I just wore some sweatpants and hoodie with my favourite snapback and supras. The others were already down eating breakfast. I can smell pancakes.

I went straight to the kitchen and to my surprise, Anna was cooking is breakfast.

"Anna, this is so good. Can I have more?" I heard Harry say it.

I sat down and dig in. .... "THESE PANCAKES ARE REALLY GOOD!" I shouted as I was taking the last bite of it. Anna wasn't cooking anymore because everyone wanted more.

"C'mon everyone. Let's go now. Grab your things. I have wifi there so, don't you worry." She told us and we all headed out. I got my iPhone and opened Twitter.

"@NiallOfficial: Good morning Manchester ! Off to @Anna_Blark's boutique. Love u all ! X" It was a 30 minute drive to the city proper, Louis demanded to turn on the radio and LWWY was playing. Anna was driving, I was on the front seat and everyone else is at the back.

"Sooo, who's in your boutique now?" Harry asked watching Anna.

"Well, since you all agreed to come with me. I told my staff to have a day-off." She answered. "Don't worry boys. There's a food shop right across the street." She added.

I looked back to have a plan with the boys. I plan that we all tweet to visit Anna's boutique and they can have free autographs from us. Before we did that, we told our management to get is security and they agreed. I texted them the address. We spotted a parking space, and we parked.

"@NiallOfficial: To all those who want shop at this time , pls visit 'Must Have Boutique.' My friend owns this. See u!"

She opened her boutique and we were amazed.


How are u guys? Even if i have less readers, i'm still going to update. I love updating and I love doing this. Follow me on Twitter: @narrygirrrl. Much love. Xx

Unexpected (Niall Horan Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora