By the time Maria arrived at school her cheeks were flushed rosy from the cold and the water from her hair seemed to have joined the moisture particles in the morning air turning her hair into a chaotic mess. Teeth chattering Maria scurried across the car park where an array of rich teenagers were conversing with one another comparing their miserable lives not one of them glanced in the direction of the mouse like girl who was desperate to find some source of warmth, not one of them bothered to raise their heads and even acknowledge that they knew she existed and that's how Maria preferred it away from the prying eyes of people that were far too interested in people with more money than them.

Maria pushed into the office and instantly found herself greeted by a warmth that made her want to curl up on the visitors couch and wait out the cold. Nodding her greeting to the secretary she continued her path to the AP Latin room, the one place she was allowed to take refuge in the morning, the former year 12  Latin teacher had fallen pregnant and left school but she always let Maria into the room in the mornings to let her do whatever she pleased, Maria continued to go as long as a replacement teacher hadn't been hired. Opening the door with raw frostbitten hands Maria was instantly greeted by a cool room that was warmer than outside but still far too cold. Heading over to the heater Maria pressed the on button and turned to dial as high as it would go in a needy desperation to rid herself of the cold that felt as if it was consuming her.

Placing herself in front of the heater she pulled out her Latin book and revised to herself singing lightly at the same time doing anything to occupy her time before her first period came.

Dimitri Lupus leant against the doorway in the school office broodingly as he waited patiently for the secretary to retrieve his list of classes and what room was to be his. His dark hair was messy and pushed out of his dark eyes with silver flecks, his muscles bulged through the leather jacket he was wearing and his 6'8 frame made the room look cramped.

"Here you are" the flimsy blonde said her cheeks flushing pink as she handed him the papers.

"Thanks" he said his deep voice seemed to reverberate through the walls glancing at the map he headed the was he supposed he was supposed to go the cold seemed to just bounce off him as if even it didn't dare to come in contact with the intimidating man. Grabbing the door handle to his new class room he swung the door open to find that it was already occupied.

Dimitri found himself looking down at a startled girl with long brown hair that framed around her face before falling down her back in silky looking waves, she stared up at him with frightened ocean blue eyes that seemed to entice him towards her further his wolf rose to the surface urging him to go to her, it hit him then this was the girl he had stumbled upon yesterday while prowling the woods.

"S-sorry sir, I didn't mean to um - well I take Latin and Miss Morose let me in here but well.. she's gone now and here you are and.. um" she stammered climbing to her feet in a hurry.

Fear trickled down Maria's spine as the massive teacher looked at her curiously his handsome features seemed highlighted despite the dim lighting in the room. Maria continued to ramble aimlessly although she was sure he had stopped listening awhile ago. 

"Stop" he said softly making her senseless ramble come to a halt "you take Latin?" he asked

"sic facio" (Yes, I do) she replied in Latin.

"So I see, well my name is Dimitri Lupus, I'm the new Latin teacher" he smirking causing a bubble or irritation to rise in Maria's stomach

"Well Mister Lupus I'm late for my first class vale" (Bye) Maria said haughtily scooping up her things and walking out of the room all to eager to get away from Mister Dimitri Lupus. Instantly regretting her decision to leave the classroom Maria had no choice but to suck it up as she waited for the bell for her first period to come around, shivering from the cold the only way Maria could think to attempt to be warm was to keep moving even though she could no longer feel her nose and could swear the tips of her fingers were turning an ugly shade of blue. Brushing her fingertips through her hair Maria looked over her shoulder towards the classroom she had just been in a sense of longing was tugging at the back of her mind telling her to go back into the classroom, whether it was because of the dangerous new teacher or the need for warmth she didn't know.

-   -   - 

Okay, so here is the next chapter, now that the two main characters had been made I'm going to start thinking of new ones.

Tell me what you thought, I will upload ASAP


Lyrics: Tresspassing by Adam Lambert

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