*Chapter 14*

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When I video chatted with Alex last night, she seemed super happy until I told her about Kyle and I. I thought it was kind of weird, but she just said that she just realized how much she misses us. When I invited her to the carnival today, it was like she couldn't say yes fast enough.


At the carnival, we all split into pairs to hang out. All except Bryan, that is. He went by himself. Alex went with Shannon, and Kyle and I went together. We agreed to meet at the Ferris wheel at ten. That gave us about five hours to go on rides and play games. And, in my case, five hours to hang out with and kiss my beautiful boyfriend.
Kyle didn't like rides that went upside down, so there first one we went on was the Gravitron. Today was the last day the carnival was open, and it was around the time that everyone was out eating dinner, so we ended up being the only people riding. We got a spot behind the operator off the ride, both next to each other.
When the ride started, we were holding hands. Kyle kissed my cheek, and when I leaned in to kiss him back, he turned his head so we were actually kissing. The kiss turned more loving as we rode to the ceiling, only stopping when the ride stopped too.
We ended up doing this on a few rides, only getting in trouble once or twice.
After riding normal rides for a few hours, I finally convinced Kyle to go on the Zipper with me.
As the man opened the cage for us, Kyle looked at me and winked, smirking. I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing, but he obviously noticed because he just blew me a kiss and smiled. I have been on the ride countless times, but I was suddenly more nervous than Kyle probably was.
The ride started, and Kyle held onto me as if his life depended on it. I giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, saying "You're so cute when you're nervous." He blushed, and I have him a real kiss. I pulled away after a while to breathe, hearing him whimper. I smirked at him, knowing full well how much he hates it when I tease him.
"Fuck it." I heard him say before he ripped my beanie off and threw it out of the bottom of the cage, causing me to whine and stock my lip out in a pout, only for it you be put back into it's usual place by Kyle, who was now kissing me.

And then the ride stopped.

We both pulled away, groaning.

When it was time to meet everyone at the Ferris wheel, we got there before everyone and saved a place in line for our group. We planned that I was going to go with Kyle, Alex was going with Shannon, and Bryan was going by himself.
But when everyone showed up, I realized we would have to change our plan. Shannon brought a boy over to is and introduced him as Diego. He looked familiar, and apparently it was because he was also a Youtuber.
We decided that I could still go with Kyle and Alex would go with Bryan. I know Shannon wouldn't have a problem with sitting by Diego, because they were holding hands, and I saw him kiss her on the cheek a few times.
After waiting in line for about an hour, it was our turn to go. Kyle was in the bathroom, so I told the ride operators, and they told me that I could just wait for him there, but I just wasn't there before the ride started then I could have to get off and wait until he comes back because there are no single riders allowed.
Some random fan had given Bryan a giant stuffed monkey, which he named Mojo. He had to bring it on the ride with him, so Alex couldn't ride. But, when Kyle still hadn't shown up and the operators told me to get off of the ride, I just let Alex sit with me.


Oh my god. Alex just kissed me. What the hell! She knows have a boyfriend! I don't even like girls that much!
As soon as the ride stopped, I ran to Kyle and have him a hug.
"Johnnie? What's wrong?" Kyle said, sounding alarmed. I hadn't noticed until he said something, but I was crying.
"I- I'm so sorry Kyle!" I sobbed, "Please! I didn't do it! We were just talking and- and-" I was crying too hard to call. Me and Kyle had only been dating for a few days, so I didn't know how this would affect our relationship.
"Johnnie, what happened?" Kyle said cautiously.
"Well-" I let out a sob, "I was on the Ferris wheel..."

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