After many jabs parries and ducking there were 2 left. As i was about to give a killing blow to one the other sliced my arm "arrhhhhh!" i screamed and lashed out at the man, killing him instantly. Keeping the pressure on my bleeding arm and fought the man one handed. After many weaking blocks i got him in the heart. I panted furiously. Morgana chucked me 2 loaves of bread and the guards took me back to my cell and chucked me in. "percival,percival." i heard a few voices then vanished.

Merlin POV

I stared down at the blood soaked rip on my sleeve. It was clearly noticable so there was no point of covering it up. Every so often Freya would ask if i was ok. I didn't want her to worry so i preteneded i was ok but it hurt really badly. Should i go and face Draco or not? I don't see why i shouldn't but how on earth am i going to explain my magic?

I walked nervously to Draco's room. However before i reached it he appeared. "decided to show up then?" sneered Draco spitefully. I scowled at him angrily.

"So i was just wondering how can someone like you do something like that?" asked Draco, way to curious.

"You are quite light." i joked only to annoy Draco further

"You will tell me otherwise i will force it out of you."threatened Draco

"Oh really what you gonna do? Get your so called friends." i laughed slightly regretting saying that after seeing Draco's face go red. Two of his friends appeared. I started to back up. Staring at them all, blinking would take too long. I continued to wobble backwards edging further and further away. "wooooo." i wobbled as i lost me balance. I tripped and fell down the stairs. I rolled hitting various places ending with a bang as i hit my head on the marble floor. My vision swam and i couldn't think properbly. Draco approached me with a gun in his hand. He loaded it hand on the trigger BANG.

Arthur POV

"i am picking up distress signals from Merlin we must hurry." urged the Doctor. The wirring finally ceased, and we leapt out of the tardis. What was this place? It was very grand. I stood taking in the scenery but stopped, i saw merlin on the floor. I rushed over to him he was holding a girl. "please no hold on for me freya. I can't live without you. Don't you dare fall asleep on me." cried Merlin

"Merlin, i love you and i always will." braced the girl

"no don't you say that." whimpered Merlin

"Ssshhh Merlin. Before i go just do one thing for me." whispered the girl, colour draining from her cheeks.

"Anything." "Remember m-me...." croaked the girl as her eyes drooped shut. Her chest stopped rising and her body went limp

"NOOOOOOOO. FREYA ARRRHHHHHHHH!" screamed merlin angrily. Everyone flew backwards and the ground began to shake

"NOOOOOOO!". Merlin wept, tears cascading down his cheeks shivering in uncontollable sobs. Rocking backwards and forwards holding Freya's dead body. He planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and held her sobbing silently. I crept over to merlin and comforted him.

Merlin POV

My whole world crumbled before me holding a dead Freya in my arms. "i would like to bury her." i whispered.

"where abouts?" asked the Doctor gently.

"Lake of Avalon outskirts of Camelot." i replied. Carefully i picked freya up and walked over to the Tardis. My arms ached from cradling her but i kept on. Arthur came up to me "are you ok? You've got a few cuts there." said Arthur. I nodded weakly. "don't cry because it is over smile because it happened." added arthur.

The tardis droned as i stared into space. CLUNK. The tardis landed. "can you walk the rest of the way to Camelot i need to return to Clara to see how she is dealing with America. "thank you." i managed to mumble.

"blóstma." i thought and in my hand was a bunch of roses. I raised my hand and the earth split. Gently i lined the grave with roses. Placing freya gently in and closing the ground. I built a mound of stones and placed that on top along with a single rose. Arthur patted me on the shoulder. "back to Camelot."

"i can't really walk very well can you support me?" i asked. Arthur nodded and i put my arm round his neck and we began to hobble home.

After about an hour we made it to Camelot. Suddenly we felt some rough hands grab us. We tried to struggle but it was no use. "lets take em' to Queen Morgana" ordered a guard. Arthur and i stared at eachother horrified. Morgana. Was. Queen.

Morgana POV

Ethan and i were chatting when the throne room doors opened. I was about to shout but i saw who it was. "Dear brother, Emrys nice of you to join us!" i sneered. The guard chucked them to the floor. I saw merlin wince slightly. He looked up in fear at Ethan. He was trembling and his eyes were red. Had he been crying? "YOU! IT WAS YOU! YOU SENT US TO THE FUTURE!" shouted Arthur angrily.

"Oh you got me! I see you fitted in better than merlin." i laughed judging by there outfits. Arthur's fist clenched.

"take them away." i ordered. Two guards grabbed them and ushered them back to the cell.

Arthur POV

Merlin looked very scared of Ethan. I knew why. We reached the cells and were ushered down the stairs soon to be thrown into cells. "Arthur! Merlin. Are you ok? Whats with the outfits?" asked Gwaine who was next to me.

"I'm fine but merlin's not. Is percival ok?" i asked

"sword wound nothing much. Merlin good to see you." explained Gwaine. Merlin just completely ignored him and fiddled with a piece of straw.

"what's wrong with Merlin?" asked Gaius

"i explain later." i sighed


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