His eyes squinted a bit as he looked off in thought. But not even a moment later our gaze was glued together again, "What did you see?"

"I don't know, Stiles," I frowned, sitting up a bit more in the hospital bed. The bland white sheets shuffling, making an awfully unpleasant noise. "It was huge and it had red eyes? It was really dark, I couldn't see much."

Stiles fumbled with his fingers, soon racing a nervous hand over his head. "Do you think...?"

I shrugged, biting my bottom lip. "Maybe. I mean, it's Beacon Hills. Literally anything is possible."

He stood up from his uncomfortable chair, checking the time on his phone before sighing and shoving it dramatically back in his jean pocket.

"Unfortunately, my father tells me I can't stay, I am being forced to go to school today. Which causes me a great amount of pain." Stiles groaned, flailing his arms.

"Or." He wiggled his eye brows, "I could be a rebel and ditch."

"Go to school, Stiles." I laughed, attempting to ignore the bothersome sting in my left side.


I cut him off "Go to school, I will be right here. All. Day. I will be fine."

Stiles huffed, saying his reluctant goodbyes as he left the hospital. Leaving me alone with my mum, whom wasn't exactly present at the moment, the gash in my side, in which still throbbed erratically, and my disheveled thoughts.


"Thank Jesus, if I had to stay in that hospital one more moment. I would have escaped." I groaned once I had gotten in Stiles' blue jeep. Relief washing over my drained face.

Stiles just chuckled, explaining the seatbelt situation to me, like always. I felt like that boy would never put that dang theory to rest. Well, no longer a theory sense it had unclipped the afternoon we found a dying Derek.

"So, you feeling okay?" Stiles rose an eyebrow, "and when I say okay I mean–"

"100%, jumping off the walls, terrific." I laughed, recalling the statement he had explained to me a few hours ago. "Yes, I am feeling all of those things."

To be completely honest, I wasn't feeling 100%, nor was I jumping off the walls, but I simply didn't care. I knew Stiles had an idea, and it most likely had to do with the creature I had spotted in the video store. Which means, he needed my help.

"Are you up for an adventure?" Asked Stiles, smiling widely.

"Depends." I chuckled, "If it involves a hike through the woods, possibly running into Derek Hale then count me out."

"Nope." Stiles popped the P. "We are journeying to Lydia Martin's house."

"Lydia?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"Yeah, I feel like she may know a little bit about the term mountain lion."


"Thanks Mrs. Martin." I smiled at Lydia's mother, who was by far one of the most sweetest ladies ever.

"No problem, Lydia's right upstairs. And it's probably good for her to have some visitors." She smiled back at us, Stiles and her beginning to trot up the stairs. As I set my left foot down, I winced at the strong jabbing in my side.

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