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Demi entered the staff room opening up her locker, she took out her bag and her jacket slipping her arms through the jacket throwing the bag over her shoulder. Demi worked as waitress, it didn't pay too much but enough for her and her son to live on and couple of treats from her tips. She planned one day to get a better job and something she actually enjoyed doing like writing or drawing. Or even music. Demi exited the building after she bid goodbye to her boss and co-workers. She didn't own a car so she would have to walk home where her son would be waiting for her. She sometimes wondered whether she spent enough time with him but it was hard with him being at kindergarten then she had to work nights. It was hard being a single parent. It took her about twenty minutes to walk home knowing that even though it was his bedtime her son would be waiting up for her. Quite often she had come home and he would be asleep on the couch.

"I'm home!" Demi announced smiling as a little boy came running over.

"Mommy!" He exclaimed letting her lift him up then kissing her cheek.

"Thank you Kean, have you had a goodtime with Grandpa and nanny?" Demi questioned kissing his head gently.

"Yeah!" He exclaims again as Demi entered the living room greeting her two parents. She sat down on the couch next to her step father sitting the five year old on her lap beginning to rock him gently so he would go to sleep. He was already in his pyjamas and Demi would take him upstairs when he got a little more sleepy.

"How was work?" Dianna inquired.

"It was alright, I need to find something else to do. I've been doing the same job since I was sixteen." Demi complained kissing Kean's hair gently again. He looked like his mother thankfully, his father ran out on them as soon as he found out Demi was pregnant. Demi's one wish was for her child to not look like the man who ran out on them.

Demi made her way upstairs when Kean got a little more sleepy but she wasn't surprised when he looked up at her looking fully awake now. It often worked this way, Kean never liked going to bed at a specific bedtime. She just shook her head gently making her way into his room laying him down on the bed bringing the covers up his body kissing his head gently.

"It's time to go to sleep Kean, little boys need sleep to be big and strong!" Demi exclaimed.

"I'm already a big boy!" Kean boasted Demi giggling.

"Not big enough, how about I read you a story?" Demi suggested Kean nodding his head. Demi got up wondering over to his bookcase picking up a book. "Horrid Henry?"


"Don't you get any ideas from this book," Demi warned poking her finger out at him jokingly making the five year old giggle. Demi wondered back over sitting on the side of his bed opening the book up. Kean got comfortable bringing his stuffed lion up closer. He had recently been trying to not have his lion with him wherever he went but he still liked it in bed with him. Demi begun the story about Horrid Henry, she nearly read her son the whole book before he had fallen asleep. She closed the book leaning down kissing his head gently. "Sleep well my baby boy." She pulled the covers further up him so he wouldn't get cold before switching his night light on, he still didn't like the dark very much. She switched the main light off before exiting the room closing the door behind her. She loved being a mom but sometimes she wondered whether she could do better for her son, she couldn't ask her parents to pay or look after him all the time. She should be the one providing him with everything he needs not her parents. She had time for nothing at the moment besides house work and work. She hadn't been on a date since she was a teenager.


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I Figured It Out | JemiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora