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After Terra left the three of you, Ven ran off as well leaving you and Aqua alone.
"You should go back to the master (Y/N)" Aqua spoke as she turned to you,
"What why?" You exclaimed,
"Because your feelings are taking over you, and I feel you would be better at home"
She was right you couldn't deny it but you didn't want to go back either.
Being a Keyblade Master it was your mission to protect the balance of light in the world's and in Terra.

You went home despite knowing your mission, your mind is clouded by the thoughts of Terra. You gave Aqua your best wishes on the mission as you set off through the link to home.
Once you arrived the place was quite you pondered around feeling helpless, in the main hall you found the master and approached him. "(Y/N) it is good to see you again, please don't look so down I know what worries you." He place his hand on your shoulder and gave you a reassuring smile as he continued "I knew this task would be difficult for you,but think of it as training. Learn to block out what blinds you from the truth, that is the only way you will be able to save Terra from the darkness".
You looked up to him and smiled "your right master, I will do my best."
With that you went to the training area, you sat on the ledge as you meditated.

After a few hours of meditation you became distracted by sounds of metal, annoyance and curiosity took over so you went to investigate. You came to the entrance to find Terra standing over the master with a black flame protruding from his body. You rushed over to aid the master but you where too late. Tears streaming from your face as you closed his eyes, you looked up towards Terra who looked just as shocked, his eyes caught yours. Just as quickly as he looked at you he ran. He left you again sat there holding your master who was like a farther to you.

It must have been 5 minutes and Master Eraqus's body had turned to light and faded away, Aqua showed up to finds you in the floor she rushed to your side but you remind unmoved. After about 20 or so minutes you told her what had happened she refused to leave you behind so the two of you set off again. However through the link between world's a bright light hit in to you sending you spinning off course.

When you landed the first thing to do was survey your surroundings, the place was like a desert it was desolate and devoid of life apart from you. Unfortunately your armour was damaged so you had no chance of getting to the link but it was still functional for remaining of the ground.
After a while of exploring and seeing nothing but dead keyblades your saw Aqua, Terra and Ven walking towards each other. You sprinted as fast as you could out of joy to see someone else in the lifeless place, however this was not same for them. It looks like they had been fighting each other, "Terra, Aqua, Ven!" .you screamed at the top of your lungs to catch their attention.

They all looked towards you waiting for you to speak, you explained to them that whilst you where meditating you worked out a way for Terra to fight the darkness in him. After you finished Master Xeahnort joined the conversation by snorting at you all. He pointed towards Ven yelling Xblade, you looked towards Terra and he looked to you and spoke "it will work don't lose faith".
His words sent confidence through you and looked to do the same for the others.

The battle for light had begun.

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