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Being with Aqua made you feel better, on your journey with her you met manny new people, one you'll never forget was Zack. As soon as he had an opportunity he asked both you and Aqua on a date, you did your best at convincing Aqua to go as you where taken but she was too stubborn, so you gave Zack her contact details behind her back.

You and Aqua where havering a good time meeting new people and visiting new worlds it seem like you missed Terra at every turn though, it was either he has just left or hasn't been there yet, none the less you had a job to do as well as keeping an eye on Terra.
What annoyed you was whilst you where distracted in one world Aqua met Terra and he told her about a girl called cinderella, Aqua assured you that he was okay but you wished he had waited to see you, what isn't he telling you? Why does he have to run off on his own you where all given the same mission to defend the balance of light and darkness.

You didn't tell Aqua that you where upset with him, you didn't want it to cloud your judgment or Aqua's.

With Aqua by your side you entered a world called 'Radiant garden', it was a cute little town busy with lots of people under the shadow of what looked to be a castle. The two of you had a lot of fun exploring this vast world with the odd exception of an unversed attacking.
All was good until a huge unversed flew over your heads, the pair of you chased it into a clearing where You bumped in to Terra, soon after Ven joined and you couldn't help but smile.
All four of you worked together to defeat the boss unversed, once it faded away you ran into Terra's arms and he held you tightly to him.

Whilst you and Terra held onto each other Aqua scolded Ven for running away from home. Ven retaliates telling Aqua that it was okay and that the boy in the mask was history. This seemed to spark something inside Terra as he gently moved you to the side with his right arm around your waist so you where no stood by his side, he looked at Ven and spoke,
"you saw the boy in the mask!"
"Y-yes" Ven spoke
"Vanitas..." Terra muttered under his breath.
"Ven you let Aqua and (Y/N) take you home"
You looked at Terra in shock, his statement made you sad almost like he doesn't want you with him but you kept silent to see how this will unravel.
"But I want to go with you guy's" Ven retaliated
"You can't we have a dangerous task ahead of us"
His statement left you confused so you moved away from him towards Aqua,
"What's this dangerous task?" You spoke to him
"It doesn't sound like what our master told you to do Terra" Aqua spoke along side you.
He looked towards you and made eye contact "it's a different rout but I'm fighting the darkness"
You wanted to scream, cry, run away , burst into a million pieces at him for leaving you out of this, you loved him so much and it was hurting you that he was doing this alone. Aqua must have known how you where feeling as she reached out and held you hand to comfort you.
The conversation continued between Terra and Aqua but you where too lost in your thoughts to listen,
One thing led to another and the next thing you know Terra has turned his back bringing your attention back to the world, Ven ran up to him yelling his name, Terra bust out "STAY PUT!"

It shocked you to hear that from him he was always so calm and gentle.
He started to walk away and you wanted to run after him so badly but Aqua held your hand tighter and gave you a worried look, he walked off with out even looking back to you or the others.

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