Chapter 9 Dead Thoughts

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"Sad what happened. Texting and driving gets you here." I was lying on my back in the hospital bed trying to recollect my thoughts or atleast process what had happened. "You're lucky kid. Slamming into a tree that hard could've killed you. Not even to mention the gas leakage and engine fire. Luck can't even come close to describing your situation. Someone up there must love you." The doctor put the clipboard down and gave me another reassuring 'You're lucky to be alive' smile then left the room. Luck. I don't feel so lucky. I could feel my eyes open and shutting slowly. That was about the only thing I felt. I didn't pay any mind to what the doctors were saying. If only they knew about what happened moments before. I was so grateful to them. Not for saving my life but for awaking me. I knew that once they left the medicine would kick in and I'd be back sleep, but who knew how long that would be. I tried to let out a sound of some sort, but nothing came out. I couldn't move anything but my eyes. "Am.... Am.. Am I paralyzed?" I couldn't help but think to myself. "No.. Can't be." I tried to move but I just couldn't. My head to began to spin rapidly and my eyelids had gotten heavier all of a sudden. The medicine. No, no, not the medicine.

It was dark. I must've dozed off from the for hours because I couldn't remember falling asleep, but night had fallen and there was not a nurse or doctor in sight. The hospital was dark except for a bland tannish light coming from the hallway, but it wasn't even close enough to illuminating my room, in fact my room was blanketed in darkness. I blinked twice trying to adjust my eyes to the pitch black room  and I notice a long figure on the other end of the room. It looked familiar but I couldn't remember how or why. It must've been the effects from the drugs because it seemed like it was getting closer.. Wait.. It was! This can't be possible! No.. No.. Stay away from me! Why can't I scream? SOME ONE ... ANYONE .. HELLLPPPP !!

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