Chapter 8: Date Night

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"Pareidolia?" I hadn't even made it to my date when Jeff called me, he sounded terrified. "Yes, we watched the documentary about it yesterday, remember ? When you see faces in inanimate objects. You know?" I popped a piece of 5 Gum in my mouth. Refreshing. I smiled. Not even sure why. "Yeah I remember." I didn't. "It's ... It's getting to me bro, I don't know what's happening to me." The paranoia of the night seemed to sit uncomfortably with him, and I couldn't blame him. First the door, then the kid. This late at night? I never stopped to ask what he was doing out this late. Although I didn't want to admit it, something about him reminded me of ... Of ... "Jay? Jay? Are you there ?" I forgotten all about Jeff. "Yeah man, I'm here. Just chill, I'll be home in a few." I rounded the curve in the dark and twisted road. "Just make sure all of the windows are closed and locked. Last time you let a whole family of raccoons in and it took forever to get Them to leave." He chuckled and we said our goodbyes. I left out a deep breath and slid my phone into my pocket, well atleast tried. The phone fell in between the door and the seat. "Shit." I reached for it while trying my hardest to keep my eyes on the road. I swerved a little and stuck my finger down the side of the seat trying to keep my head above the steering wheel. I noticed I was swerving off of the road a little but I was almost there, I could feel the top of my phone on my finger tips. "All......most........ Ther--" The car flipped and for a brief moment I stared into the mirror and saw a shadowy figure in the backseat. Before I could process anything I smelled the strong stench of gasoline. Then everything went black.

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