Am i burning or is that my arm

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Leo POV~
After our touching reunion and doing our normal camp activities it was time for the bonfire. Nico and I decided to skip it so we could cuddle in his cabin.

My day was fine but it hurt sometimes to use my right arm. I figured it was just sore.

Nico and I lay together in his bed. He was laying on his back with my laying face down on his stomach, between his legs. He ran his fingers through my hair and I pressed small kisses to his chest sometimes.

I felt so calm until Nico's arm brushed agains my right forearm and everything burned. I quickly pushed myself off of him with my left arm and sat on my knees as I grabbed at my right arm. I hissed in pain and Nico bolted up.

He kept asking what was wrong but things felt fuzzy and I just mumbled "gorgon... Scratch..."

My body slumped forward and rested my head on Nico's shoulder and he sounded far away. I kept mumbling words but I knew they all made no sense.

I could hear the words "stay" and "infirmary" and Nico bolted out of the room so fast he looked blurry. I slumped further onto the bed and laid curled up on the bed.

It felt like nine minutes but probably was seconds. A blond guy and Nico ran in and the last thing I completely remember was the blond picking me up and carrying me shouting.

Everything else after that was a blur and made no sense.

Leico- Fix each other (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now