There's Always Hope

Start from the beginning

"Of course Coach picks a hotel that causes problems for the supernatural. Just our luck, right?" I muttered as I fiddled with my fingers. 

"Okay, just hold on, alright?" Stiles said towards Lydia, his hands up in front of him. "What if it's not just the motel? The number in the office went up by three, right?" 

I stood up from the bed, "You mean like three sacrifices? I guess that would make sense..." 

Stiles nodded, "What if this time it's three werewolves?" 

I don't know why this stuff is happening to us, but I seriously wish it would stop. And it sucks because deep down inside I know it'll never stop, especially now that I'm...well...something dealing with the supernatural. 

"Scott, Isaac, and Boyd."

"Maybe we were meant to come here..." Stiles said in a low voice. 

"Exactly!" Lydia exclaimed, "So can we get out of here now? Please?" 

I watched Stiles closely as his eyes landed on the red Bible in Lydia's hands, "Wait, hang on. Let me see this." 

As Stiles flipped through the pages his hand stopped, and he pulled out a piece of paper. Looked like a newspaper clipping from where I was at. "What is that?" Allison asked as she stepped closer towards where Lydia and Stiles were standing. 

"Twenty eight year old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri." He read from the clipping. He quickly placed it on the bed, and began shaking the pages causing multiple clippings to fall next to the one he had just put down seconds before. 

I stepped closer to the group, accidentally brushing up against Stiles, releasing the butterflies in my stomach just from his touch . "Sorry–" I quickly muttered. 

Stiles' eyes glanced towards me, "Don't apologize..." he whispered back, before turning his gaze back to the clippings spread out on the bed. 

My eyes wandered over the different news stories when one thing caught my attention, "Um, guys. Look at these two." I said as I grabbed the papers off of the bed. "They both mention the room 217. These are probably all the suicides that happened in this room." My stomach flipped as I thought about it, "Some probably happened right where we're standing." 

Allison looked towards me, "So if every room as a Bible–" 

"There could be articles in all the rooms." I finished. 

"That's a beautiful thing." Stiles said sarcastically as he nodded his head. "Most places would leave a mint under the pillow. This one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred." 

"What if the room next door has the one about the couple?" Lydia asked, keeping her eyes on the newspaper clippings. 

Before another word could be said Stiles took off towards the door, I'm assuming heading next door where Lydia and I heard the couple take their lives. I rushed out after him, Lydia and Allison following closely behind me. As I got out of our room I noticed Stiles attempting to open up the door, but nothing was happening. 

My eyebrows furrowed as I approached him, "It's locked? It wasn't locked before..."

"Well, someone definitely locked it." Stiles replied, as he frantically pulled on the doorknob.

"Forget it." Allison spoke up, "We need to get Scott, Isaac, and Boyd out of here." 

As Stiles, Allison, and Lydia began to head down the hallway I just couldn't get myself to move. It was like something was pulling me towards the room. I hesitantly took a step back and glanced towards the others right before the sound of an electric saw overtook my eardrums. My head shot back in the direction of the door, and I could feel my eyes getting wider by the second. "Guys. Please tell me you hear that." 

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