Swan Song

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Disclaimer: I don't own glee, but a girl can wish.

Kurt had been disappointed, yet again, when the mail came and his NYADA letter wasn't there. He was in a serious funk and roaming the chat rooms was depressing.

They were all so happy and exited about Carmen Tibideaux passing out the golden tickets this week. It reminded him that he was, in fact, not living the life he wanted.

Dreaming big was always something Kurt did his whole life. There wasn't a moment when Kurt thought he wouldn't be on the stage performing in front of thousands, maybe even millions one day.

He had the heart and the talent, so why wasn't he accomplishing anything?

was amazing and Kurt was excited everyday he went in. Isabelle made him feel welcome and everyone there didn't judge him, but he wasn't doing what he really wanted.

The night before he dreamed that he was onstage during his premier to his first Broadway show. The crowd cheering and welcoming him with smiles.

It felt like home on the stage and he would rather die trying to get there than sit back and do nothing. But then he got self-conscious. What if he wasn't good enough?

Having internal battles with himself was really drawing all the energy out of his boy. He was just exhausted. Kurt let himself fall into the comfort of his bed sporting sweats. It wasn't anywhere near the time he should fall asleep, actually Kurt was pretty sure it was only like six or seven, but he really wanted to curl up with his blankets and watch a Christmas movie. The holiday was coming so fast.

That was until Rachel opened the divider and poked her head in. "Hey you," she greeted. "I just got back from dinner with Brody. Do you want to help me clean up from yesterday?"

Kurt let out a groan and tossed a pillow. "I'll be out in a second. Let me get up enough energy to move." She nodded before leaving the boy alone. He knew that they had to clean, but getting home from experiencing Black Friday shopping in New York... he really didn't feel like it at all, but it wasn't fair that she had to do everything herself. The mess was the people he invited.

Pulling himself up, Kurt stretched his arms over his head when he heard his phone ring. He would be lying if he said that his heart didn't quicken at the sight of Blaine's name lighting up the screen. They hadn't talked since the night before and Kurt really didn't want it to be too awkward, but he wanted to talk to Blaine. "Hello?" he answered to eagerly. Dammit, he cursed himself.

"Hey," Blaine smooth, velvet voice greeted, "I know that you called yesterday and I wasn't quite sure that it was okay to call you. I mean, like, I don't know how... No I don't know what we are, but... I just wanted to talk to you after the day I had and you said that we were still best friends, but if we aren't-"

"Blaine," Kurt cut off the boys rambling with a small chuckle. The boy still made him smile after everything they had been through. "We are still best friends, it's okay to call. Tell me what happened today. I'm all ears."

Blaine took a deep breath and Kurt could almost see the smile on his lips. "Sectionals were last night and we lost. We lost to the Warblers."

The older boy was absolutely speechless. How in the world did they lose? Blaine had a duet and they were amazing. "What happened? Oh my god."

"Yeah," Blaine said bitterly. "Everything was going great until all of a sudden Marley drops. He faints in the middle of the stage after we are done performing Gangnam Style. We had to take her off stage and we were disqualified. The competition season is over for us."

"I can't believe that. What was wrong with her? Is Marley okay? Oh god, I bet Finn is having a mental break down. What's going to happen with glee? Are you guys still going to have the club?"

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