The Role You Were Born to Play

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Disclaimer: I don't own Glee; if I did then we'd be getting some Klaine.

Kurt held his phone tightly to his ear as it rang twice. He couldn't breathe, or think. Was this a good idea? Could he talk to Blaine without breaking down? Was it too soon? Was he over it and ready to talk? "Kurt?" Blaine's voice sounded so hopeful and breathless. Kurt's mind stopped, everything stopped until he pulled the phone away and hung up. He was a coward. He threw his phone across the room and broke down into sobs. He wasn't ready and may never be. He prided himself and how strong he was, but having one person come and shatter all his strength, he couldn't handle it.

Sighing, he pulled himself up. Crying wouldn't help anyone and he would not let Rachel see him down. She was due back from Lima anytime. It was one thing crying in his bed, but when Rachel saw him then she wouldn't leave him alone. He walked through the loft and opened the small fridge. "Kurt!" Rachel's voice called through the apartment, a little too cheery for Kurt's liking.

"Rachel," he said before breaking down and grabbing a tub of Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. He turned to find her looking at him curiously before dropping her gaze to the ice cream. "What?"

"No need to get snippy," she defended after Kurt's tone, "I'm just observing that you are eating ice cream that will go straight to your hips, the hips that you have worked hard to make perfect. I'm your best friend too, that means that I know that you only eat ice cream when you are upset."

Kurt's patience was wearing and he wanted to yell and scream. She would come back from seeing her ex and be all cheery and happy. It was Rachel for crying out loud. "Can't I just eat my ice cream without your judgment?"

Frowning, Rachel bit her lip. "You know that I'm here for you right? We both went up pretty bad breakups. I'll hold you while you pour out your feelings. It's okay to not be so perfect."

Kurt rolled his eyes and pulled out a spoon. "Nope," he said simply. He shoved a bite in his mouth and walked out of the kitchen and through to the living area. Of course Rachel would follow and sit down on top of him. He reached for the remote to watch his new favorite movie, The Notebook, but his best friend slapped his hand. "Dammit Rachel."

"I want you to talk to me," she said almost pleading. "We are the best of friends, Kurt. We talk all about my problems, but you are always so closed up. I know that you used to always talk to Blaine about them, but he's not here. You aren't talking to him, so all you have is me. Tell me what is going on in your head. I know you are hurting so lets talk about it, get it out in the open so you don't keep it all bottled up inside."

Kurt weighed his options, he really did, but one thing was certain; he really wanted to cry. He shoved the ice cream away and launched himself at his best friend, crying almost instantly. Rachel was surprised at first, but wrapped her arms around the broken boy in her lap, face buried into her neck. She didn't know how long she sat there soothing him until his cries subsided. Her shirt was now soaked, but it didn't matter to her right now. What mattered was Kurt.

"Do you think you are up to talking?" she tried after a little while. She didn't want to set him off again, so she spoke softly.

When Kurt pulled back, he looked like a mess. Rachel had never seen him so torn apart, so upset. His eyes were red and puffy with tearstained cheeks. He leaned his head against the couch and looked up at Rachel. "I gave him everything," he finally said, "everything I had in me. We had two whole years together as friends and boyfriends. I trusted him with my heart, my everything actually, and he played with me like I was some toy."

"You know Blaine would never do that," Rachel found herself saying. Kurt shot her a look and she backed down, but added, "This is Blaine, though. He loves you."

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