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Disclaimer: Nope don't own Glee or Blaine unfortunately.

Blaine woke up on Monday, three weeks later, with an amazing thought: He was going to make something of himself like Kurt. He was going to make his boyfriend proud. He knew that Kurt was proud when he was given the soloist part, but he needed more. He was ready to go all out. He jumped up and got ready with his usual enthusiasm, gelling his hair back perfectly. He scooped up the pictures he had printed out and literally skipped down the stairs with a smile on his face.

"Morning Sweetheart. Now why are you so happy?" his mom said from in front of the stove as Blaine sat down at the counter.

Blaine smiled and rested his chin on his hands. "I've decided something Mom," he said brightly, "and it will help with the loss of Kurt not being here."

His mother put a plate of eggs and toast in front of him. "I love seeing you smile, so I'm all for it. What is it though? I would like to know."

"I want to go and try out for clubs," he announced excitedly, "Like everyone at McKinley! It'll keep me occupied and when I have to apply for colleges I'll have a bunch of extracurricular activities."

"I thought you were in glee club? How are you going to join others? You'll have no time to do anything," she pointed out, but that didn't bother Blaine.

"I want to do this. Clubs will keep me busy. You of all people know that I don't like sitting home alone doing nothing. I have to keep moving."

"Well if you are sure you can handle other clubs, glee, school, friends, and Kurt then go ahead and have fun."

Blaine smiled and shoved a bite into his mouth. He was positive that this would work out. Going to McKinley was for Kurt and now that he was gone... Blaine had nothing to make him happy apart from glee. Doing all of this was what he needed to do for not just to keep him busy, but to keep him happy.

He ate up his breakfast quickly and hopped down from the barstool. "I will see you after school." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out to his car. He debated on calling Kurt on the way, but he knew that he had to get ready for his interview at , so he decided against it. In fact, he hadn't talked to Kurt since Friday night.

Blaine opened his laptop after he ate a family dinner. Kurt had texted and promised another Skype date, so he was happy. He had changed into his pajamas and got Treme ready for them to watch, popcorn in a bowl on his nightstand.

When Kurt's icon lit up Blaine hurried and connected. As soon as he saw Kurt his heart beat quickened as it always did. "Hi Honey!" Kurt greeted enthusiastically.

"Hey Baby," Blaine answered back, "we really need to do more of these. I miss you too much when we go days without seeing each other."

"Yeah, but it makes me realize how lucky I am to have such a cutie for a boyfriend. I love your pajamas by the way, wherever did you find some like that?"

"Well this guy, really cute and sweet, he insisted that I have a good pair of pajamas before he left me for some city. I can't remember which, but he got them for me. I'm glad you approve."

"Well that guy, he must have impeccable taste because that blue really brings out your skin tone. I'm sure he must love you a lot."

Blaine shrugged and hid his smile. "I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty sure that he's the greatest boyfriend on the planet. Everyone should be jealous of us."

"I am that's for sure," Kurt pouted, sticking his lip out. "I thought we were sort of together. All these Skype dates and cute texts are sending me the wrong message."

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