Are griz and gabby breaking up!

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Gabby pov:
Me and grizs relationship might not be okay. I mean I'm going crazy trying to keep it all together. My family thinks I should go to a mental hospital even Hanna and Catherine since kianas still gone. It's hard to think about me and grizs future but its even hard to put it all together. I think me and griz should just stop dating.
Griz pov:
Me and Gabby haven't been doing to great. I mean ever since my accident I think she feels guilty when it wasn't her fault. Panda and me aren't doing to good either but I wanted to tell Gabby we've been together for a month so I'm going to call her and ask her if I can come over tonight.
No ones pov:
I reach my phone and see griz calls me. I answer it hey griz what's up I say. Hey babe its our one month anniversary! Aw Im so happy! I love you griz can you come over tonight I begin to say. Yeah of course im coming over tonight! I love you Gabby love you to griz see you tonight at what time? I asked. I'll be over at 8:00 is that fine he says. Yeah that's perfect love you Gabby he says love you to griz! Mom walks in holding Elianna she begans to talk. So Gabby griz is coming over tonight? She asks. Yeah it's our one month anniversary since we've been dating I say sounded exicted. Oh honey congratulations! Then she hugs me then kisses my head. So when's dad coming home I ask not til 3 days mom says. Wait i thought he was coming home tonight? No he has another place to go to Paris mom says. Oh okay I say. So Gabby can you watch Elianna while I go to the hair salon to get my hair done mom asks. Yes I will but what time will you be back? I ask. She says in about an hour. Arias at her friends house and elsas out mom says. Okay bye have fun! I say. Then mom kisses my head and says you two girls have fun then she gives Elianna about a thousand kisses. Hi baby girl I start talking to her in a baby voice. Then I give her blueberries and she starts to laugh she loves me. I feed her then change her diaper then put her down for a nap. By that time mom was home. Hey mom I said hi Gabby where's Elianna oh she's sleeping I said. Then she kisses my head and says your good with her. 8:00 later
Griz come wearing the light blue tux he wore on our date. Griz what's up? I said I brought you flowers griz says thanks griz then I kiss him So what did you bring for dinner I say flritcously. Pasta and meatballs he says smirking. Griz we need to talk tho I said in a serious voice. Anything for you Gabby griz says. I think we should break up I say in a sad voice. Griz starts crying why!! He says sadly. Griz its not that I don't love you its just your making me crazy and I can't focus on my friends or school work anymore i say sadly. Griz begins to speak as he's crying I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING GABBY he screams. He continues with the screaming. YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME I THOUGHT YOU MEANT IT! he screams he crys louder. Griz I do mean it its just griz I need to do school work and get a good grade. Griz I will always love you no matter what. I kiss him and tell we can date til the nights over but then there breaking up.
Gabby pov:
I had alot of fun tonight. I told my family and friends we broke up and that was that. I wasnt upset and griz got over it.
Hey guys so its Me Rylee so I guess thats it for this series i know it was short but its okay cause I'm making a new series called "The Squad" that's coming out either later today or tomorrow the latest i hoped this was enjoyable to read and bye!

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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