The ugly secret..

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Gabby pov:
So I will tell you my ugly secret but no one else. I know three bears named panda icebear and griz I've known them for 3 months. Nobody else knows I visit them everyday after school its so awesome!
No ones pov
GABBY! ELSA! ARIA! Mom shouts TIME FOR SCHOOL! Elsa runs down stairs passed me and so does aria. I can't wait til after school to see the bears i whisper to myself. What was that Gabby? mom says nothing I say mom. ELSA STOP HOGGING THE CEREAL I SHOUT! Elsa replies No you stop hogging the cereal then she smirks and walks away. Then I start to roll my eyes haha very funny I say. Aria starts to say you two are stupid girls. Aria they are older than you respect them mom says. Mom I'm gonna walk to school Um no your not mom says. Um yes I am I say then mom grabs my arm and pulls me in the car. Seriously mom I don't wanna go with you trying to run out. You have to I don't feel comfortable with you walking around on your own mom says. Mom I'm 15 I say Aria interrupts and says can't you just get in the car already Gabby were gonna be late. Fine Aria stop being a dweeb j say. Mom says Gabby that is quite enough! I finally get out of the car for school and my mom says Be good gabby then kisses my head love you sweetie. Mom stop! I scream what honey? Your being super embarrassing! Bye Gabby she says sadly then drives away. Hanna? Hey Gabby Hanna says. We both hug and cross arms and walk down the hall. Where's kiana and Catherine? I ask. Hey there's kiana! Hey kiana we both wave. We both hug kiana then she crosses arms on my side. Catherine walks over and says SQUADS BACK! Catherine crosses arms on Hannas side. We all stop at our lockers and I see a letter in my locker and I get curious. Catherine starts to speak and says we should all totally have a sleepover! I interrupt her and say guys did you see the person who left this note in my locker. All there replies were no. Hanna says Hey why don't you show us the note and maybe we can see who its from? I hand the note to Hanna she reads it and says I don't know but you should ingore it Kiana says kiana barely talked. We all walked to class arm to arm and I waited for the school day to be over.

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