FuN!!! >:)

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Cinder walked away as Roman came.
"Don't screw this up. Any trouble don't hesitate to kill the girl in the hood. The cat can be useful to us and the Schnee can be a helpful ally....if she doesn't help us then we can kill the man and child."
Blake came round first , her eyes filled with fear. "Ah Miss Belladonna, we're gonna have some fun aren't we!"
"Torchwick! I thought you died with Yang and Sun?! If your alive , are they alive?"
"No , you foolish Faunus , they died but I survived!!!"
Blake fiddled with her hands and then the knot came free. She wanted to go to Ruby to see if she was ok but any movement would cause her to be retied and then she couldn't save any of her friends .
"TORCHWICK!!THE SCHNEES ARE AWAKE!!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO?" A White fang grunt yelled. Roman stormed off to him , muttering obscene things under his breath. This was Blake's chance. She didn't have long so she freed herself and escaped. She couldn't carry an unconscious Ruby or Weiss. Blake had to go to Ozpin. So she climbed up the wall and slipped out through the window.
Ruby woke up next and saw an unconscious Weiss. "WEISS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHERES BLAKE? WHERE AM I? WHATS GOING ON?" Ruby yelled. Roman came back in and she understood perfectly. She had been kidnapped.
"Kitty's escaped , so one of you gets it."
"Take me, leave Weiss alone!"
"Sacrificing yourself only makes me choose the Schnee even more!"
"So you want me to hurt Weiss! Ok dokey!" He kicked her in the ribs and Ruby heard a bone crunching snap , making Ruby cry. "I think I just broke her rib!"
"You are such a spoil sport. But fine. She isn't awake so I can't hear her scream!"
Torchwick threw a punch at Ruby's stomach making her cry even more. He then kicked her in the nose and she felt it break. The pain was so bad she couldn't help but scream. Torchwick laughed as Weiss's eyes fluttered open , her eyes filled with pain and fear.
"Oh look sleeping beauty's  awake. Let's see how she reacts when I take little red riding hoods life!"he threw another kick to Ruby's head , knocking her out stone cold. Roman aimed his cane-which is also a gun-at Ruby. Just as he was about to pull the trigger , a loud knock echoed across the room. A certain blonde brute charged in and yelled "Blake now!" And the rest was a blur....

A more detailed description of Yangs rescue is on bethyl_xx story and also tells you about Yang and Sun and what Blake did. I highly recommend you read it!!!

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