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I haven't done a bio for A and T because it's too much work and I'm there like 😐. So if I feel like I need to add any bios I will
Ben landed perfectly on the ground. He scanned the land around him and smiled : perfect spot. He knew the wind was blowing west and he needed to go east so he headed towards the wind. He ticked off his list in his head.
1) land✔️
2) head towards the temple✔️
The next one was tricky.
3) find a partner.❌
Sure he was chatty. Just not when his life was in danger. People usually didn't notice him when he's quiet. But if he was loud , he'd certainly attract grim. Ben wandered across the forest when a couple of Ursa's popped out of the bushes he got out his staff and swung it at the nearest Ursa. It swiped its deadly claw causing Ben to swiftly move back. He used some ice dust from his staff to trap his feet to the ground and his staff turned into a sword. One quick slash and the Ursa's head was flying. He turned around and saw another dead Ursa.  It had an arrow stuck wedged deeply into its eye. A dark figure stood there with hair blazing red and scarf flowing in the wind. He recognised this mysterious looking figure.
"EDWARD!" Ben called out to him.
They ran to each other and hugged each other. Long lost friends reunited at last.
"C'mon we'd better find the relics and we can catch up!"

Alastair was calmly being flung through the air. He extracted his claws and dug into the trees bark. He smiled. Another reason to love being a Faunus. He had grey shaggy hair that went down to his shoulders and gold eyes. He didn't hide his Faunus heritage so he had grey ears poking through his hair and retractable claws. He wore a long grey cloak and brown trousers and black shirt. Once landing , he felt like he was being watched. He turn around rapidly and a huge king tajitu spun around him. Extracting his bone claws, he jumped out of his coils and shot his pistols at the beast. Then the most remarkable thing happened. A mint green haired girl on top of a hover-board landing on the grim's head  , killing it instantly.
"Wow....that's a way and a half to kill a grim!" Alastair exclaimed.
"I'm Taylor Sustrai."
"Alastair Cromwell"
He eyed the girl taking every bit of her detail in. Mint green hair , grey eyes , white crop top , grey shorts , uses kicks and two katanas, rather small ( 5.5ft) , agile and uses her hover-board as transport and maybe does attacks on it , strong kicks. Olive coloured skin. Very good partner to have.
"Why are you staring at me?!?!!?"
"Just thinking whether or not your a good partner."
"And so far?
He didn't want her to think he thought highly of her? Taylor -taking offence- gave him a soft punch on the arm. "Can I pay you to shut up?"
"No...your stuck with me FOREVER!"
And with that they wandered in the general direction of the temple.

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