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Everyone also says, life has its ups and down, and for me, it was mostly downs. That's just how I grew up. Life isn't easy, you need to work hard sometimes. And I feel, in this generation, when people hear "work", they back away from the challenge, because they feel it's to hard, or to difficult to handle. Because this generation has a lot of lazy people. But guess what, that is NOT all we are! And you know, some of my family used to say to me all we are, is a lazy group of young people with nothing to give to this world. And you know what THATS... NOT... TRUE! There are gonna be doctors from my generation who save people's lives, there are going to be artists, who bring smiles to people who are almost in tears, there are going to be inventors, who change your life for the better, people who cure cancer, people who do the impossible! And they are going to be from our generation. Not only mine generation, but the generation after mine, and the one after that, and after that, and after that. And yes, there are going to be those kids, who make big mistakes, some of those mistakes could even destroy people, families... But just because there are people like that, doesn't mean our entire generation is a ticking time bomb that is going to destroy our world. Because we could be the ones who SAVE IT! Find the beauty in what you do! Make this ugly world beautiful! In this past year there have been many hardships and obstacles in my way of happiness. But I have persevered and found a way to get to where I am today. And I may not be the happiest person in the world, but there are people out there way with worse then how I have it, and those people deserve to be heard too. So if you are one of those people, feel free to comment anywhere "me" or message me directly, I will be here to guide you through anything. And I may just be one girl, trying to change the world her "little notepad", and her "little poems with strong words" so others have said. But they're right, I have my little poems, and like they said with strong words, a few words can save a life, just like a few words and destroy one. People have killed themselves because of things people have said, well why can't they be saved with words too then? Instead of using words to hurt people, why don't you maybe compliment them, because a few simple words can determine a person in tears, or a person with a smile. Be true to yourself! Bring smiles to others and you will get them in return. Life would be a brighter place if we all we move to each other and didn't judge one another. Be the person who wipes someone's tears, be the one who brings smiles to faces, be the one who goes out on the lim to make someone else happy, be the one who sends smiles yo everyone who passes to attempt make them smile with you, be the one who picks someone up when they're down. Because you would want the same thing from others.

The biggest point of this is believe in yourself, no matter what others say. Be unique, be perfectly imperfect, be yourself. Make this world a better place. Work for what you want even when it's hard. And bring I smile to others faces, change the face of the world. I know you can do it. I believe in you.

Love you guys, thanks for reading :) have a lovely day <3.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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