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I woke up the next morning looking up at connie sitting on the edge of the bed

"Good Morning"

She was silent,she was doing something with her hands

"Connie?, what are you doing?"

I sat up and sat next to her, i put my arm around her shoulder and leaned in to see what she was looking at

"Your dad left this little box on the floor"

I started to get extremely nervous and freaked out

"You didn't open it did you?"

"Well of course i did! But there was a note inside"

Jesus dad, you had to...really?!

"Well what did it say?"

She handed me the note, and it said:

Steven, JUST DO IT!
Connie, please , don't hurt my son.

"What does he mean?" She asked giving me the box..

"I don't know" i was lying, but i did know i needed to get the ring off of him.

I was looking down at the floor and just thinking about this to myself , i later looked up and notice connie staring at me. I guess you can say 'seductively'

I smiled at her a laugh

"Haha what are you doing"

She came over and sat in my lap.  She pulled her hair back and got extremely close to my face , coming in for a kiss, but she didn't kiss me.

She just had her head there

"Steven" she said sweetly

I gulped and started blushing


"Make me some breakfast"

She then got off me and did a slight laugh

"Th-thats it..?" I said thinking there was gonna be more

She looked at me and then gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Yea, well did you want something else...?"

I started blushing and looked the other way

She chuckled and lightly pulled my face back towards her. She gave me a beautiful kiss

"Thats more like it" i said smiling and softly blushing.

She chuckled again and went downstairs

I softly laughed to myself and went downstairs too

I noticed amethyst and connie off to the side laughing

I walked off into the kitchen and just thought to myself

"Whats are they talking about?"

Connie's P.o.V

Amethyst pulled me over by the warp pad and started laughing at me

"Huh, did..did i do something?"

She just kept laughing and put her hand on my shoulder

"y-y-you two are the cutest, i saw you guys all morning, haha you guys are so strangggge hahaha"

I started to get a little nervous

"Y-you saw that..?" I started blushing really hard

She laughed and just walked off

Oh jeez, i keep forgetting we aren't alone anymore

I walked over to Steven and hugged him from the side

"Whatcha making?"

"Your favorite!"



"Steven thats your favorite,haha, but high five for effort though" i kissed him on the cheek and then walked out onto the porch

I leaned against the railing and sighed

I need to talk to your dad

Steven's P.o.v
I watched connie walk off to the porch, she seemed upset. I decided  to follow

"Connie?" I said

She didn't answer me

I walked over and noticed she was sleeping on the edge

I chuckled and leaned her against me so i could set her on the couch.

As we were walking in connie was in and out of sleep

"S-Steven" she groaned


"Lets try again"


"I wanna..."

She went back to sleep. I wonder why she was so tired.

connie p.o.v

I was dead, i was so tired and i had no clue why.. Maybe it was from my lack of sleep over last couple months from me getting up in the middle of the night crying...

I felt Steven's warmth as he carried me to the couch I smiled and hugged back tighter

He laid me on the couch and kissed my forehead
"I hope you feel better later connie" i heard him say

I started to get extra emotional and just grabbed him and pulled him into me hugging him tightly

I started crying

"I love you Steven, I'm sorry, i ruined our family. Im sorry I'm defective and i couldn't handle the baby..i....i"

Steven's p.o.v

She started sniffling and so did i

I pulled her in closer to me and hugged even tighter and also started crying.

"No connie, y-you're not defective! You're an amazing human and perfect in all ways for me. I-i-i love you!"

We sat there hugging and crying for a while

Eventually we calmed down and smiled at each other

She was looking down at the ground and whipped her face

I grabbed her chin softly and turned her face towards mine

"Hey, look at me" i said softly with a slight smile

Her eyes were still watery

"You're not like any of that. You're beautiful and an amazing person. And thats why i love you, let move on and put this behind us so we don't have to cry anymore" i smiled and so did she

I pulled her in and we kissed for a bit and when we separated she smiled

"Ok, ill try"

I leaned in and kissed her again

"Thank you"

((Alright!! Chapter 2 is donne!! Ill try to get three done a little faster this time but school and stuff if still all up on me , so please don't get mad anyway leave a comment or a like!! Love you guyss!!))

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