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Niall's really glad he chose to come back to Mullingar, he's been able to finally clear his head and decide what he wants for himself. The getaway back to his hometown was probably a good decision to be made, he's been surrounded by all of his friends and family to help him get back on his feet.

It took Sean a few days before he came round to Niall's and  immediately tackled Niall to the ground shouting about how much he missed seeing his Nialler around, hugging him for dear life. And Niall would be lying if he said he didn't miss him too, missed being around all of his friends. Missed the banter and all the laughs he would have with all of them.

But it doesn't mean he regrets moving to London. Not at all.

They went out that night together, had a few pints in the pub with all of his school friends. Like Sean they told him that they had missed him too, missed getting Niall's infamous 'Horan hugs'

That night was possibly the first night he actually enjoyed himself. Then again he did have a pint in his hand and like a true Irishman it made his whole day ten times better.

So, yeah, no regrets with coming back to Ireland.

Niall thinks he's going to miss being here even more than last time, once he goes back to London. Because, what's the use in hiding away when he might as well face his demons and return back there.

He's brought out from thoughts when his phone vibrates in his lap, the TV is playing to itself in the background.

It's from Grace, he smiles at seeing her name and he thinks about how much he misses her too.


His eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, but he shrugs and turns the channel onto MTV, and he's met with a article about Harry. He doesn't want to watch because he doesn't want to hear what people could be saying about him and Harry's relationship.

'Harry Styles taking a break from music'

Niall's jaw drops, because he wasn't expecting this at all. Surely he's not heard this correctly.

'Yes you heard correctly, it would seem that Harry Styles is taking a break from his musical career.'


"Shh Ma"

'This decision has came due to his earlier interview on James Corden's Late Late show. Where Styles stated that his relationship with Niall Horan was over- breaking 'Narry' shippers hearts all over. Styles also went on to explain that the reason why they had split up so suddenly. Here's the footage from the interview.'

'And why did it end so suddenly Harry?'

'Because I agreed to be in a relationship with Niall strictly for publicity'

There's gasps from the crowd and he looks down to the floor, seemingly ashamed.

'My management wanted me to stop bringing so much bad publicity to the company- because I used to sleep around so much which of course I'm ashamed about now that I look back on it. So they decided to bring this contract in where I would be in a relationship with someone for a certain amount of time, just so that the company and I could get an increase in album sales, single sales and what not'

Harry clears his throat, and the camera zooms up on his face. Niall can see how guilty he looks, can see his eyes watering slightly.

'At first I was only with him because of the contract, because it was what management wanted. But then as I spent more time with him, it stopped being more about the contract and more about how I was truly feeling about him.'

'He was honestly the best thing to happen to me, and keeping this whole thing secret from him broke my heart. He didn't deserve to be treated the way he did by me, I allowed him to fall in love with me, but I love him too and I hope he knows just how sorry I am. I regret it so much, I do. If I could turn back and just meet him normally, I would, 100 per cent.'

'So Harry, this is a lot to take in right now. But would you say that you loved Niall because of your inner feelings for him and not because of a contract with your management?'

'Yeah, I think it was about a month into the relationship before I realised that I wanted it realistically and not because I was being forced to."

'And what does this mean for you now then?'

'Means I've breached the contract and that from now on I don't have a career, but I couldn't care. All I care about is the boy I love is somewhere with his heart broken because of me'

'There you have it guys, the sole reason why Harry Styles is taking a break from music. Niall Horan where ever you are, you are one lucky bloke.'

The world around feels like it's stopped spinning, was that report really all true? Did Harry really say all of those things? And live on TV.

His heart is beating erratically after hearing that, can feel his pulse in his ears. Has he just witnessed all of that?

"Niall, honey" His mother cautiously asks, stepping in front of her frozen son.

He slowly looks up at her from where he's sat, his hands are shaking a little bit like little tremors in his body.

"Are you okay?"

He tries to get his words out but he can't, his mouth repeatedly opens and close resembling a fish.

"Di-did that happen?" He finally asks, his mother flashing him a small smile.

"Sure did honey" She replies.

A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips and the tears are forming in his eyes. But they're happy for a change.

"Oh sweetheart" She murmurs, stepping forward to bring Niall into her arms. He doesn't fully cry, just melts himself into his mother's embrace.

They stay in each other's embrace until Niall breaks away and looks into his mother's eyes, a watery smile of her own.

"What are you thinking about then?"

"I think I need to go and see Harry"

She smiles, a proud smile and lurches forward to press a firm kiss to his forehead.

He's going to save his relationship.

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