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Harry's currently at work when it happens. Niall's tidying around their bedroom, hanging up clothes in their wardrobe- that's where he finds it.

Tucked at the back of the wardrobe, a cream folder with a stack of papers in it. There's red bold writing scrawled across the front of it- it's reads PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Niall freezes, because he knows he shouldn't be snooping and he sure as hell shouldn't be reading it. It's not that he doesn't trust Harry, because he does- it's just with something like this being hidden at the back of a wardrobe, for it not to be found by anyone-especially not Niall.

There's a strange feeling settling in at the bottom of Niall's stomach as he sits down of the bed, folder tightly clutched in his hand. There's a voice in the back of his head screaming at him not to do this, he shouldn't be doing this.

It takes him a few moments to finally open up the folder, and when he does he wishes he had listened.

Because this was not was he was expecting at all. Not by a long shot.

His heart begins hammering against his chest as he reads the first lines of the paperwork

'Contract begins- 15/3/15'

'Contract terminates- 15/3/16'

'Enclosed in this contract are the rules and regulations in which Harold Edward Styles has agreed on.'

Niall reads on, his heart hammering even harder than previously.

'Styles has agreed to partake in a relationship strictly for publicity purposes only'

His heart physically drops down to his stomach, he has to reread the statement a few times before it's finally able to sink in.

He was part of a publicity stunt.

This relationship was never real at all.

'Styles is permitted to not speak to anyone about what is enclosed in this contract, if Styles does not follow up on this contract- his contract will be permanently terminated with Syco and Modest!management, therefore he will not be permitted to release new material from future records and albums.'

'Styles will also not be permitted to sign to any other record label until after 2 years if he chooses to speak about what is enclosed in this contract'

'At Syco and Modest!Management, we want the best for all employees. Previously we have noted that Styles has not been meeting the standards of what is expected from all employees'

'As a management company, we feel that with this contract put into action, Styles will see an increase in album sales, tour ticket sales, single sales etc.'

Niall feels physically sick, can feel the bile rise in his throat- his vision blurring. He shoots up and runs towards the en-suite bathroom, instantly emptying the contents of his stomach. He coughs and sputters when nothing else comes out. There's a flood of tears trailing down his face, ugly sobs stuttering out from his mouth.

He can't believe he let himself be this stupid again, can't believe he fell in love for someone who was going to break his heart again.

He needs to leave, and before Harry returns home.

So, he pushes himself off of the bathroom floor and starts packing again.

Never again did he think he was going to be in this situation again, dealing with a broken heart, crying over a boy. He never thought he'd be leaving him so soon either.

He grabs his suitcase, which is still hidden away in the corner and chucks it onto the bed, he's panicking and afraid that Harry is going to walk through the door any second.

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