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Niall's currently sleeping when someone eagerly bursts into his room. He's groans into his pillow, annoyed that his sleep has been interrupted.

"Niall James Horan wake up now" Grace squeals, Niall huffs and rolls over so that he's facing Grace- who's currently standing with an awake and alert Charlie on her hip.

"I'm awake, what's up?" He answers groggily, sleep still laced in his body.

"What's up? Are you for real? What's up!" Grace exclaims, marching over to the bed- passing Charlie over to Niall as she skips over to the other side of the bed. The bed jiggles underneath as Grace flops down next to him- quick enough to take her daughter back from Niall.

She's the best baby to be around- aside from Theo his nephew. She comes a close second to his favourite child, she's got a beautiful skin tone to her- which she gets from her dad obviously. If her father's looks are anything to go by, she'll be gorgeous when she grows up.

If only her father knew she was his.

But that's different story to tell.

"You've lost me completely babe, what is going on?" Niall pushes himself up so that his back is rested against the headboard. He pulls a couple of faces to Charlie, she giggles at him.

"What's going on, is that you were the first person I saw on E news this morning." Niall's stomach churns and he goes into instant panic, why the hell is he on that for?

"Well, actually, you're literally on every piece of media coverage. Getting a little too cosy with the Harry Styles last night." And, shit- that wasn't meant to happen, he doesn't even remember there being any camera's near them. Can't recall seeing the paparazzi snapping pictures of them. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck." Is all Niall can reply with right now, he can't comprehend what's happened. All he knows is that he feels stupid for getting caught this early.

"Language- anyways, what even were you doing with him anyway? Thought you were having a lads night out with Louis or summat?"

"We were, Lou's sorta together with Liam." Grace can only gasp in reply, little Charlie jumping in her spot- eyes wide in fright.

"Liam! As in-" She starts, but is cut off just s quickly

"Yep, as in dj Payno- Big Payno, whatever you kids call him these days." He chuckles nervously.

"And childhood best friend of Harry Styles, that's how we met. They both set us up." He sighs again, eyes closing as he scratches the back of his neck absentmindedly.

"Get you, I see the night turned out well no?" Niall nods.

"It wasn't meant to end like it did, I wasn't even certain what this night was. He thought it was a date, I just thought I was meeting him." He takes a deep breath

"Since the beginning of the year, I've been solely focused on my job and looking after this little tyke." He smiles, tickling underneath Charlie's chin- she giggles again and ducks her head. "I haven't even had the time to think about going out and meeting new people, especially not celebrities like Harry- I dunno- I just- I never really realised how much I missed pulling until last night." Niall chuckles again, lets out another breath and stretches his neck.

"It's cause you're scared isn't it?" Grace timidly asks, her voice no louder than a whisper. Niall can only nod in reply.

"Yeah" He whispers. "I'm scared to fall in love again.

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