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Niall really hates being set up, especially when it's Harry Styles- known for being involved in numerous one night stands.

He's never usually stuck on what to wear, he's going through a faze of wearing sheer shirts with a couple of buttons undone. There's been a bit of chest hair growth in the past couple years, which has been a hit with the punters. Being indecisive ruins the whole mood.

He's actually really looking forward to going out tonight, for a change. Looking forward to a long awaited night out with Louis- Louis is his go to guy for a good night out. Always knows how to make a good night happen. He's also looking forward to meeting Liam, even though he's a bit nervous, because not only is he meeting one of his closest mates boyfriend, he's meeting one of the most famous dj's to come from the UK

His phone buzzes and he panics, he hopes this isn't Louis telling him he's here because, he is no where near being prepared for going out.

And shit, its from the man himself.

Round the corner, you better be ready!!

If Niall wasn't fretting before, he is now. Groaning he chucks his phone on the bed and rushes back over to his wardrobe to try to find a reasonable outfit- that doesn't look like it's just been chucked on in a rush.

After a few moments pondering he settles on a plaint white t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, suede boots- which is topped off with a jacket from Paul Smith. Cost him a fuck load but it was worth it.

By the time he gets outside, Louis is already there in the taxi. He hops down the steps two at a time, a sudden eagerness filling his body, he wants to get to the club, wants to let loose, to at least tear his mind away from him.

"You took your time." Louis sasses as Niall makes himself comfortable in the plush leather seat beneath him.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just get to it."

"You heard the man, Libertine club please."

The bass is vibrating underneath Niall's foot as he sits in the hired out booth. Louis' already informed him that Liam was the one to hire it out for them 'I'm not just going to pass on an opportunity to have my own booth Niall' Louis had said once Niall began questioning why they had a booth to themselves..

There's a shit tonne of free alcohol- paid for on Liam's behalf, and again, this time, Niall's the one not to pass on an opportunity for free drink. Although it doesn't compare to getting free pints.

Liam's set is about to being and there's still no sign of Harry, Niall's relived almost- because he's so god damn nervous to meet him. He doesn't realise he's zoned out until Louis nudges him with his elbow.

"Harry's over there, he'll more than likely be over soon. Although he's sound, met him a couple of times when I've been over at Li's- he literally will put his charm on straight away. Came onto me once, mate, shouldda seen the look on his face when Liam came over." Louis chuckles, eyes focused on Liam. They must catch each other's eyes because, the next minute Louis is blushing once more.

"I'm not really gonna tell you who you can and can't be involved with, but, like, all I'm saying is- if you wanna go somewhere with him, don't be fall to quick, because he seems the type to break your heart. Just, like, be careful yeah? Cos I care about you mate. Don't want you hurt again." Niall nods in understanding, he knows not to allow his heart to become attached to someone to quickly. Because, quite frankly it happens quicker than normal.

"I know Lou, promise I'll take it easy this time."

It takes about 10 minutes for Harry to eventually enter the booth, he looks exactly like what he does on camera. Much taller in person- Niall notes. He's got his infamous dimples on show as he enters,

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