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It was an emotional farewell between him and Grace, they were both crying in each other's arms. He was glad Zayn was looking after Charlie in the next room, because he wouldn't be able to take the look of her own sadness.

He promised to Grace that he would be back soon, he just needed some space to clear his head.

And that's exactly what he's doing right now.

There's a great sense of familiarity in this room, it's still the way it was 2 years ago when he left here. There's still posters of Derby county scattered around the walls, his signed football top hanging above his desk.

He really has missed this place, and he's so happy that he's back here.

There's a faint knock at his door and it clicks as it opens. There's whispers and murmurs coming from the other side and Niall flips himself over so that he's facing the ceiling, pushes himself up so that he's sitting up slightly.

"Go on, you can go see him bud" Niall instantly smiles at the sound of his brothers voice.

A small figure steps in the room, searches around the room until he meets eyes with Niall- his face instantly lights up and he giggles as he runs over to the bed.

"Uncle Niall!" Niall chuckles and picks the hyperactive boy up from the floor and brings him into a long hug.

"Mornin Theo, missed you so much little lad" He smiles, pressing a kiss into his hair. It's much longer than he can remember, but then again Theo is much bigger then last time he's seen him.

"Alright bro?" He asks once Theo is settled up against him.

"Good. You?"

"Been better, but I'll get there" Greg just smiles at him sadly and takes a seat at the end of the bed.

"Ma told me about what happened, I'm sorry mate"

"Told you I'd get there, yeah?"

"Denise is downstairs, been asking after you. Fancy getting yer arse up and coming down?" Niall can't help but sputter out a laugh.

"Sure, just give me a sec and I'll get meself sorted." Greg just nods, standing up and beckoning Theo from the bed.

He sighs and rolls out of bed to get ready for a brand new day.


He's really thankful for all of his family who are surrounding him happiness and distracting him from Harry. They haven't said a bad word about him, but they are doing their up most best to cheer Niall up.

And it's working, Niall doesn't think he's laughed so much being home then he has since this whole sort of break up.

He's sneakily been checking all forms of social media to see if there's been any news about Harry the past couple of weeks. His heart breaks a little at each picture he's seen of Harry looking upset, there's been plenty of fan pics where he's looked happy and cheerful, but it's when he's been pictured leaving clubs with a few of his friends- he's been looking so down and not himself. The media have also caught on to it, reporting about how he doesn't look his self.

His notifications have been blowing up throughout that time too, numerous questions as to why Harry is looking the way he is. But he just can't bring himself to reply to any of them. If anyone is to tell the media what's going on, it's Harry because he caused this all.

"What's got you so quiet love?" Niall looks up from his phone, to see Denise taking a seat next to him.

He just shrugs.

"Thinking about him?" She whispers, and that's one of the things he loves about Denise- is that she knows what's wrong.

"I know he's done wrong, but you're torn aren't you?" Niall sighs defeated, nodding his head in reply.

"I don't think I can. I've tried so hard to hate him and be angry with him but I can't. I love him too much to be angry with him. I just- I don't know what to do" he says, nervously playing with his fingers.

"S'what love does to you hon, it makes you mad. Look at what I married into" A chuckle escapes from Niall's lips as he looks at Denise a shit eating grin plastered on her face.

"But I wouldn't change it for the world, because you know what?"

"You love it too much"

"Precisely Ni" She states. She leans over and presses a sloppy kiss to his cheek.

"Think about what I said Niall, okay?" He mumbles an okay and then she's away back through the kitchen to join the rest of the family.

He sighs, because she's right, Harry has done wrong but he just can't bring himself to be angry at him anymore because he loves him too much to stay angry.

He hates how much he loves Harry.

But like Denise, he wouldn't change it for the world.

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