"Jonathan...... What the hell," Luke yelled as he rushed to my side.

I'm so shocked that he had come back. Didn't I make sure the door was locked. I'm pretty sure I locked it or did I?.... I don't even know anymore I guess the blood loss is getting to my head. I could feel a towel being put over my cuts and I groan at the sensational pain.

I don't even know what's going on anymore. Everything had just formed into one. I felt darkness seep into me fast and I enjoyed it. I could feel the hands of Luke on me trying to keep me alive, but what's the point I'm as good as dead.

I could feel myself being lifted and him panicking. He was saying something about a friend almost killing himself. I wonder who is he talking to. I heard an end of a call noise and I realized he called the police. I don't want to be saved. I struggled to say something but it just came out in groans.

I soon felt something watery fall on my face..... Is Luke crying? I then heard a sob and a Jonathan please last a little longer. I soon see a bright light and I felt warmth. I look to the light and I see my grandparents. My grandparents had took me in when my parents didn't want me.

When they died I was forced into foster care until Luke's parents had took me in. I remember meeting Luke and the closeness we had bonded with. I run to my grandparents and they give me a hug. I felt tears come into my eyes as I realized I finally felt happy.

"Mí hijo porque estas aquí," my grandma said. (My son why are you here)

"Ohh abuelita I missed you so much," I said as my Spanish and Italian side would always come out when I'm with them. (Grandma)

"I missed you to mí bebe but you shouldn't be here now," she said making me look at her strange. (My baby)

"Why I want to be here with you and Nonno," I said and he chuckled. (Grandpa)

"I know mí bambino but it's not your time," he said shaking my head. (My child)

"But porque," I said making them shake there head. (Why)

"Because you are destined to meet someone and you'll change life for the better," she said kissing my forehead.

"Please head back you're making Luke cry and he's been there for you," he said and I nod my head.

"Goodbye Abuelita and Nonno," I said giving them one last hug. (Grandma and Grandpa)

I turned around and I walked towards the darkness that I knew so well. I left the warmth of the light and entered the coldness of darkness. But once I stepped away from the light and into the dark I fell. I screamed as I fell as I don't know what's going on.

I soon landed on the floor and the light completely disappeared. I soon could hear a beeping noise. Where am I? I don't even know what happened. I feel like waking up but I feel so comfortable in the darkness. I just stay and listen to my surroundings.

I heard footsteps walking closer to me and I feel a hand touch my forehead. The hand was rubbing my head softly. Who is this person and what are they doing? I just stay awake instead of falling asleep just wanting to have a clue about this mysterious person.

"Good morning Jonathan you gave us a scare," a mysterious voice said and it was just so smooth.

"We lost you for a good five minutes before you miraculously came back to life," he continued and I just felt like reaching out to the voice.

"Well I'm going to be your nurse for the time and I'll take care of you," he said and I felt him just checking my vitals and then leaves.

Who was this mysterious person and why are they helping me? I have so many questions that can't be answered. Throughout the day my friends and family came over and wished me well. But I haven't heard from the mysterious man who is my nurse.

My Youtuber One Shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now