Last Person (little SeaChaos)

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Chilled's POV:

I'm running I have to keep running, if I don't they will find me.I jump over things that are in my way. Bushes, trees, big rocks, they are in my way. I have never felt this fear in me.

"Is everyone okay," I said over our team call still running.

"Yeah I'm here," Max said first.

"I am also here," Aaron said after.

We didn't hear from our fourth friend Minx.

"Minxy are you okay," I said over the comm.

"I'm in a little pickle of the moment so I need to be quiet," she said and I sighed.

"Okay be careful Minx," I said.

"I will oh shit I gotta run," she said and it just cut off from there.

"Damn it I was with her a minute ago," Max said getting nervous as the time goes by.

"Keep calm Max I'm sure she's fine," Aaron said trying to see the bright side of things.

I looked at our tracker and I see her blue light disappear.

"No she's gone," I said feeling tears come into my eyes.

"Damn it," Max said over his comm and I could hear him punching a tree.

"I'm scared," Aaron said panicked over the comm.

"Aaron I want you to stay calm and come to me," Max said.

"What about me," I said trying to find a place to hide.

"You can do fine on your own I worried for Aaron he's new," Max said and I heard Aaron whimper.

"Please no I'll do anything," Aaron whimpered out.

"Aaron run there is no reasoning with him," Max said trying to make him run.

All we heard is giggling and soon Aaron's blue light disappeared from the tracker. Only Max's light is keeping me sane as we are the last two left.

"Anthony," Max said.

"Yeah," I said running inside a building.

"If I don't make it keep yourself strong and make it," he said.

"No Max we are going to do this together just give me a direction to where you are," I said climbing up the stairs of the building.

"To late," he said and I look on the tracker to see his blue light disappear.

"Shit," I said as my blue light becomes bright.

I know I don't have that much time but if I can just stay alive a little longer I can do this.

"Oh Chilly Willy I'm here for you," I heard a familiar voice said from the button of this building.

That only made me run faster and harder to get to the top of this building. As I kept running I can hear a little hum being sung behind me.

I reached the roof of the building and I look around to see if I can jump to another roof and I realized I'm stuck. The humming has now gotten louder and it sounds like it's right behind the door. The door is soon busted open and a figure stands in front of it.

"I found you," Adam said as he stepped onto the roof.

"Oh hey Adam," I said and the gulped.

"Hey Chilled I have been waiting for a long time to find you. Every other person I found wasn't you and I got mad each time," he said taking a step closer to me.

I took a step back trying to get away from him.

"Now look at us. I finally found you and there is no one in my way," he said and smirked as I kept walking back as he took a step closer.

I almost took another step back but I soon realized I reached the edge of the roof. He smirked and soon he was only a couple of inches from touching me.

"Any last words Chilled," he said smiling deviously.

"Yah," I said.

"And care to tell me what it is," he said feeling confident.

"I win," I said as a bell toll signaling the end of the game.

"What," he exclaimed.

"Hiders win," I said as the rest of my friends got to the roof.

"I told you you could do it," Max said laughing.

"So wanna play another round," I said and then Adam laughed.

"Sure babe," he said and I blushed.

The others laughed at my flushed expression. Man wasn't that an awesome game of hide and seek.

Hello after my little rant I think I'm putting H20Vanoss on hold. I can't write with this burning passion of hatred to those fans who would do this to them.

Well here is a little SeaChaos for you guys. haha didn't expect that very intense scene was them just playing Hide and Seek. You probably thought they died or your very smart and knew they were playing hide and seek then good for freaking you lol jk :3

Anyways as always

With lots of love 💛



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