Chapter Five: Sensation Part One

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A few weeks had gone by, and I was starting to become accustom to the pack grounds. I wasn't aloud out of the house without an escort, but Brett assured me it was just a safety precaution. I was still human and in this crowd considered very weak. Though the other wolves in Brett's pack were nice, some visiting wolves weren't completely trust worthy, therefore; Brett thought the protection detail necessary.
Rachel and Brett's other sisters visited me at the house often, but they were the only ones to do so. I had seen Brett's mother in town, but she had refused to meet me in human form. Brett had explained she thought I weakened him as a human and that in her opinion I shouldn't have been allowed the human formality of choosing when we mated.
True mates often mated the instant they met or came of age, especially if both of them were born wolves. In the wolf community it was considered normal if not expected, but Brett dismissed the idea even though I knew it wasn't easy for him. Apparently adulthood is like any other emotional of physical scent a wolf has, but unlike what I expected the transition is immediate not gradual as in humans. The physical affects still happen the same way, but the scent is released the moment a young werewolf is ready to mate.
This like quite a few other werewolf facts I had learned, I found in the library. The books on werewolves were meticulously kept hidden in case of intruders, but I was given access to them. I was learning everything from holidays and spiritual beliefs to werewolf biology. The idea of living as one of these creatures wasn't as harsh an unknown as it had been. In fact I had become a bit obsessed with studying about them.
My days had become fairly mundane. I had turned into a bit of a housewife. Rachel had shown me what was expected of me. As an alpha female, I was a role model to all the other female wolves in the pack. I started my day when Brett woke up. He would shower as I made breakfast. We ate together before he left for work. I would then shower and get ready followed by a daily cleaning of the house and a trip to the library. I would then often have lunch with one or more of Brett's sisters. After lunch, I would go home and have some free time to myself before fixing dinner. When Brett got home, we would eat together and watch a bit of television wail talking about our day or anything else that came up before getting ready for bed.
Brett often worked in different places (which made his day much more interesting to talk about). In the morning he would train the young male wolves to fight. After that he often had meetings with officials and business partners. The pack men were broken into three categories: workers, fighters, and leaders. The workers often traveled to nearby towns working in everything from government to big oil companies. The fighters did small jobs around the pack grounds wail taking watch shifts at the boarders. The leaders were betas and elders who worked in investing and managing money. The alpha, Brett, was overseer of both the fighters and leaders.
As an alpha I would also have my roles in overseeing the women, but my most important role was nurturing and protecting the alpha and our offspring. Most of the woman in the pack territory had the same roles as wife and mother, but the older women without young children took a role in our community as teacher, seamstress, cook, hairdresser, etc.
Werewolf culture was structuralized like giant families each family was a pack and each member was crucial in keeping the whole afloat. Though they had different social norms, they weren't that different from old fashion human families. They are just connected more to the animal way of living, having children, and fighting.
In my mind seventeen was too young to have a family, but in reality my great grandmother had a family at eighteen. I had been physically able to have a child for some time, but as a human I didn't feel a need to have a large family or a powerful husband. I didn't feel the need to have a legacy through my family because for humans that idea isn't really important with modern conveniences it isn't necessary. To us the important thing is living a full life doing what you want, for some that means children and marriage but not all.
As I read that day in the library, I felt almost relieved. Brett had saved me form a selfish existence of partying and having fun. I had never thought about children or family. All I wanted was a good time with fun people. I didn't look at my parents with any responsibility of family or future. I just wanted what I wanted then and there nothing else really mattered, but for the first time I felt responsibility and purpose in my life. I needed to be a good person for everyone in the pack, this family and my future one as well.
It clicked in such a way; I knew my responsibility. I knew who I was meant to be with, and I didn't much care about being uncomfortable or scared anymore. Brett was my mate and for the first time I felt a fraction of what that meant. Finishing the last of my book, I got up and thanked the librarian as I did every day and left. I pulled the phone Brett had given me out of my pocket and put it up to my ear.

"Sam, is everything alright?"

"Yes, I was just wondering if you had time for lunch."

"Well of course. Should I come home early today? It can be just the two of us."

"That would be great." I smiled.

"Okay, call something in, and I'll pick it up."

"Okay, see you in a bit. Bye."


I called the diner putting in our order and then rushed home to freshen up. I was sitting on the couch when Brett opened the front door. He was gleaming; his smiled reached from ear to ear. I smiled back giggling as he joined me on the couch sitting the bag of food on the coffee table. I leaned in hugging him tight.

"Well, you seem rather happy today any particular reason?"

"I just am." I smiled.

"Well I'm glad."

We shared another smile before unpacking the food. I had ordered two burgers and some fries from the pack diner. The food from there was always good and over-sized. It took both hands to eat the large and juicy burger. I was never a shy girl about eating and didn't care if I looked absolutely ridiculous.
After we ate, I realized I had made a giant mess and decided to go change. Brett looking down at himself decided he would do the same. I walked up the stairs first and could feel his gaze on my movements. I found it oddly attractive when I felt him sneak a glance at my body. When we reached the room, I shuffled through one of the drawers pulling out two of Brett's shirts. I threw one at him and kept the other. I watched as he removed his shirt and put the other on. He looked at me.

"Well.... You going to go change or what?"

"Oh." I said feeling awkward, but instead of walking toward the bathroom where I always changed, I pulled off my shirt exposing myself for a moment before pulling his over my head. "Is it okay that I'm wearing this?"

"Most defiantly." He looked at me deeply finding pleasure in our mixing scents.

"Okay!" I smiled. "Catch me if you can!" I yelled before darting down the stairs.

"Forgetting something? I have super senses." He laughed playfully.

He ran after me, giving me a slight lead he joined the game. I dodged around tables and jumped over the couch before he grabbed me by the hips lifting me in the air. I leaned in kissing his lips lightly before he sat me back down on my feet.

"You can't do that to me. I don't have that kind of control." He sighed holding himself at bay.

"I Know." I stated looking up at him. "You don't have to."

"What are you saying?" Confusion in his eyes.

"Brett, I want you to."

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