Chapter Ten: Isolation Part Two

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I jolted from my sleep grabbing Lucy and running to the nearest closet. "It will be okay. Just stay quiet." I told her keeping my voice steady. I closed the closet and went to the P.A. "CODE RED, I repeat CODE RED." Letting the others know to hide and waking the warriors. Soon after I heard heavy footsteps fill the halls.

I held Lucy in the closet tight to my chest when suddenly the door flung open, and men walked in. "I know there is someone in here, come out where ever you are." His husky voice sent shivers down my spine. With one swift movement the closet door was taken off its hinges and Lucy and I were yanked from our hiding place.

"Let go of her, take me. Ss-she is just a child." I pleaded. The man looked at me a smug smirk plastered across his face. He looked me in the eye and busted out laughing. "Take you?" he laughed. "and what is so special about you?" before I could answer two warriors stormed in the room, "Alpha Female," one blurted without thought.

"Oh, I see." He scoffed mockingly bowing his head toward me, "Alpha Female is it?"

"Yes." I said mustering every bit of authority and strength I could. "Release the child."

"Oh, sorry ma'am." He said dropping Lucy to the floor. "I didn't realize such a new wolf would understand war morals so well." I didn't respond but simply looked to the men across the room.

"How many are they?"

"Miss I...."

"How many?"

"100 Alpha Female. Not Nathaniel's." He looked at the floor. He knew what I was about to do, and he knew I was right.

"I invoke Alpha Negotiation. I will go as prisoner, and you will leave the territory. Alpha Darrens will come to negotiate with your leaders."

"Well, we have a brave one here. Very well, we will see that Alpha Negotiation is upheld." He grabbed my arm tight before letting out a howl signaling for retreat.


My back was sore, and my head pounded as I tried to keep my eyes open in the dark trunk. I couldn't hear what the men in the front of the car were saying, no matter how hard I tried the sound of tires hitting gravel made it impossible. I wanted so badly to know where Brett was and if he was okay. I wanted to know who this pack was, and why they had attacked us. I thought hard trying to remember if Brett had mentioned another pack that we were at odds with, but I didn't remember anything.

When the car finally stopped my entire left side was bruised from bouncing against the trunk floor for what must have been a five hour ride. The sun blinded me as the trunk opened, and a man pulled me out. My ankles and wrists rubbed raw by the ropes used to restrain me. When my eyes finally adjusted, I could see nothing but dessert past the small group of men and their car.

"This isn't your pack ground. Where are your leaders?"

"Oh, miss you didn't think we were stupid enough to believe that a Darrens son could negotiate with us did you?" He smirked. "This will send enough of a message."

"What do you mean a message? I don't understand. I demand you to tell me what is going on."

"Oh sorry 'Alpha Female Darrens' you have no power here. You're just another weak wolf, and now you will die in the dessert. And if you are ever found, you will be half eaten by animals."

"You can't just leave me out here. I'm pregnant!" I blurted, pleading for my life.

"Not our concern. This is what happens when you mess with tradition."

With that he pushed me to the ground, and they laughed as they got in their car. They drove off leaving only dust, and then it sunk in as I watched them disappear, I was alone. I stood waving my hand and yelling at them screaming every insult I could muster as tears streamed down my face. I sank back down sitting in the sand. What could I possibly do to save myself, because for the first time since I met Brett, He couldn't save me this time.

All I could think to do is walk in the direction the car drove in hopes of running into a road, so that is exactly what I did. I walked, and walked, and walked.


As I looked up to the sky the sun was still fairly high. I figured they drove through the night here, and then I had been walking for at least going on three or four hours. I hadn't seen so much as a bird. I couldn't even tell if I was headed in a straight line anymore. I was hungry and thirsty and my whole body was hurting. My skin was severely burnt and my feet were swollen. All I could think about was fighting. I couldn't give up. This was bigger than just me now. My pack was in danger, Brett was at war, and I was carrying his child. I had responsibilities in my life for the first time, and I was not about to give up.

I continued to walk as hour after hour passed my speed and balance began to waver, but I didn't stop. I knew if I sat down, I wouldn't be able to get back up, and I would likely die there. I would not give this other pack, those men who laughed and belittled me, the satisfaction. I was a fighter, and I was determined to survive.

The sun began to set, and I couldn't feel my feet anymore. I started to see someone walking toward me; I started to run toward them yelling only for the mirage to disappear. I continued walking only to see several other people and things that turned out to be figments of my imagination.

When I thought I saw a road, I expected the same as I walked toward it though it didn't vanish as the others did. I paused at the edge thinking that surly when I stepped onto it, I would feel only the same sand under my feet. Then I heard something off in the distance. I looked and couldn't believe my eyes. "A car. Is that a car?!" I started running toward it yelling and waving my arms. As I got closer, the old couple driving the baby blue van stopped getting out of the car as I collapsed in the middle of the road.

"Honey, are you all right? What happened?"

"My name is Samantha Harrison. I need water." That was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

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