Walk like a man: Chapter 6

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Hey there :)) I know this is very slow and I'm sorry for that. I just felt like I needed to tell more about the transition, but It;s now finished haha because she's there. If you guys read the teaser before, forget the things that were there haha because as you saw in the previous chapters some of things weren't like that, but anyways Noah would be snotty, a man whore and all of that. Haha, anyways thanks for reading and remember vote, comment and fan maybe! :)) thanks.......

Chapter 6:

Under my clothes

“So, first step of walking like a preppy is first walk as if there are no obstacles before you. Then, walk with your eyes looking forward as if you’re modeling.” Jeremy explained. “Want to do it now, you know what lets just do it now.”

“Whoa,” I said laughing, “I thought you were gay.” I joked.

“SMH,” He answered.

“And that is?” I asked not up to date with his language.

“It means shaking my head.” He said.

“Well, then you should have shook your head.” I said shaking my head. You see Jeremy that’s how it’s done, I don’t have to say SMH in order for me to shake my head.

“Too much work.” He said.

“Pfft,” I breathed, “whatever.”

“Okay, so walk,” Jeremy told me spinning the chair around and pointed at the floor. Then, he led out his pale hands in front me in order for me to get up. I let out a big sigh thinking what the heck did I get myself into. I stood up from the chair and walked as he wanted me to. I walked as if I was on the runway like those girls from the Next Top Model, but I soon figured out that they were girls not boys. So, I made a sexy face with my lips pursed and smash together with a cheesy smile in between. “What the hell are you doing?” Jeremy asked walking towards me and slapping me light in my face as if that would make my lips go back to normal.

“What?!” I laughed licking my lips.

“What the fuck were you doing?” He said shaking his head.

“I was making a sexy face like your mom would do,” I teased.

“Oh in that case, shut the fuck up and do it again.” He growled.

“Whoa, calm down Jeremy.” I said putting my hands up.

“We have no time for your lame jokes, right now. We have to get this done.”

“That’s what she said.” Jay said on the couch laughing.

“You see he has the right idea.” I said walking over to Jay really quickly and pound him with my fist.

“Come back here and do it again, please Riley.” He said.

“Alright, alright.” I sighed going back to my spot.

I started to walk as if he wanted me to and didn’t do the lips even though, I wanted to do it so badly. After five minutes of practicing and getting the steps right, well to me I think I did. I walked outside to get my clothes in Jay’s car and strangely I’ve noticed that there were people passing by. I noticed there was one lady who was kissing me a sexy face. Whoa, there child I’m not even a guy, so relax. As she kept walking, she kept looking back. I shook my head and headed towards Jay’s truck.

As I opened the door of Jay’s door, I get the bag from Garbage Trouble and went back inside. As I went back inside, I went straight to the bathroom and went to change. I took a glimpse at myself in the mirror and damn do I look good. If I could I would make love to myself. I’m so damn sexy, whoa it’s amazing how Jeremy pulled this off, but now it’s my turn to see if I can. My hair was now transformed, it wasn’t like before which was wavy, long brown hair, but now it was a wavy, flopped brown  windswept, layered and long hair that you couldn’t see the lines of my real hair. I was afraid to touch it, it looked so gorgeous.

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