Calm your panties. Chapter 1

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Annalise and I took a seat near the food court. The place reeked of greasy Chinese food and stale french fries from the sub shop. There were table of grannies enjoying their lunch next to us. I'm going to be honest, they were pretty fashionable for some old ladies. Hopefully,my friendship with Annalise will last to that age. I turned to another direction and spotted this one guy passing by, pretending he was looking down at his cellphone. It was pretty obvious he was checking us out, though who wouldn't? Though, I’m pretty sure he was just checking out Annalise instead of me because she was wearing revealing clothes, you know shorts and tank top.

Along with the admirers, came the haters. A young crowd of girls laughing as if one of them were named Chris Rock also passed by. One girl actually had the nerves to wear stripped leggings, orange and black. Badly, I wanted to tell her Halloween was over. Another had braces, a sure sign that she needed to keep her trap shut. I'm sure I heard one of them utter the words, 'skank', after they managed to pass us. My eyes drifted to a more positive image, the 'texting' fellow. This was getting embarrassing, now he was actually fake laughing to himself. He's lucky he's cute though, his dorkiness didn't jeopardize him much.

He snorted, and not only that, his phone rang playing this obscene song. I'm sure the lyrics included the words 'big' and 'booty'. He rushed to answer, his cheeks red with embarrassment. Annalise and I burst out laughing, I couldn't stop myself, but stupidly she stopped laughing after two minutes, but I was still going.

"Big booty bitches,ahh, I got big booty bitches, big big booty bitches, little bitches get out,  we don't want no skinny bitches," I sang out in the middle of my laugh while I fist pumped. "We want big booty bitches!”

"Three hundred pounds oh!" Annalise laughed and joined my fist pumping.

I leaned back in my chair and I was still  laughing hard to the point that  I fell off my chair. I tried to get a grip on the table, but eventually I crashed to the floor. "Ahahahahahaha!" Annalise thundered in a laugh pointing at me.  "What dumbass."

"Pfft," I answered glaring at her. Annalise stopped fist pumping and got up from her seat. "Where are you going?" I asked getting up from the floor thinking that she would just leave me there.

"I’m going to get some damn french fries, want to come?" She asked.

"No, I'm good." I said. She shrugged and walked over to the sub shop. I stared at her. Annalise was my best friend since Kindergarten. I met her when she tried to go on the monkey bars and I tried to help her, but she told me monkey bars were stupid. Soon, we started to have a conversation and in that conversation she told me liked the swings. I felt embarrassed when she told me that because  I've never knew how to swing before, I told her that and she held my hand and said, I promise to teach you if you teach me and I promised. Ever since that day, I've learned to trust her and rely on her whenever I needed her.

 I took my eyes off of her and grabbed a hold of my chair and sat down on the cool, engraved, brown seat. I leaned in my chair and smoothed my hands in my pockets of my beige, baggy shorts and took out my iPhone. My reflection appeared and I clicked the power button, quick because I never liked seeing my face in public. It felt weird and awkward. As the phone came on after two minutes, I saw a new text message. It was from my Aunt Judy, but I’ve decided that I didn’t want to talk to her. I really didn’t want dramatic remarks from her right now, I was too much in a good mood, right now and if she wants to tell me something it can wait.  I put my phone back in my pocket.

I concentrated on my black painted fingernails for a while til Annalise came with a white container filled with salty, steamed french fries with ketchup packs on the bottom of the foam. “Ugh,” She sighed putting the container on the table and pulled her chair out and sat down, “that line was freaking long.”

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