I took out my note book and my pen getting ready to write down whatever the teacher want us to right down.
"Hey...Nevaeh?" I hear Sidney call my name. Umm um... wtf. it took me a minute to look at her but I did.
"Can I barrow a sheet of paper please" she asked sweetly while smiling. She being nice...again.
"S-sure" I said so softly it was barely audible. I handed her a sheet of paper and she took it smiling sweetly at me. Wow...is she sick or something? She being nice like I'm really confused..maybe I'm being set up. Michael been trying to convince me that he's a changed guy and Sidney is being nice to me...hmm what if they're in this together and by the end of the year they both would try something so bad that it would..that it would umm...well my life cant get no worse then this...unless they both plan to kidnap me and hold me hostage and try to feed me cat food. Dramatic? No, coming from Michael that's believable. Real talk.

When twenty minutes pasted and it feel like my hand is about to fall off my wrist, I never wrote so many notes in my life. I wrote four in a half pages front and back in twenty fucking minutes, the teacher isn't writing the notes on the board this time so I'm writing down every word she says, everyone gave up after five minutes because she's talking so fast...she's reading from a book it would be much easier if she gave us the same fucking book..it would make my life 0.5% easier as well. Watch how someone snatches my paper outta my hand to copy and pass it around like its a joint or something. They do that when the teacher go's to fast with the notes, they take mines copy it after they're done they rip mines and keep theirs. Good thing I have a good memory and the smartest one in this shit pot. Sometimes I hurry and stuff it in my bag before they destroy it though...that's one of my lucky days.

"You're still writing?" Sydney whispered surprised. I glanced at her and nodded my head. I could've said yes easily but the way my since of speech is set up at this moment..I failed. Trust me its harder then it seems.
"How are you doing that?!?! You're writing every word she's saying...like you're reading the book yourself or something!" she gasp in awe. I glanced at her and simply shrugged my shoulders...I mean what was I supposed to say? Thank you? Was that compliment?
"Your brain is like a computer...you're really good and your hand writing is beautiful" she said sweetly, I glanced at once more and nodded my head. Am I being rude? I mean I really don't have the guts to even say thank you..how fucking pathetic. This all to much for some reason.

After ten my minutes the teacher ended our notes told us we can do whatever we wanted since that was the only thing we were going to do. Tomorrow we are going to take a test on the notes. Great.



Someone took my notes right outta my hand like I said before...why wasn't I prepared? I don't know.

Suddenly I heard Michael moving around behind me..I didn't bother turning around because if I did people would think something was going on between us. Like why are you checking on Michael for? You don't ever do that. People already think I'm his slut.

All of a sudden my notes were back on my desk, crisp as it was before...ok maybe a little wrinkled but still in good shape. I looked up to see Michael walking back to his seat calm as always. Yes I'm shocked..Michael is doing this in front of everyone, the "old" Michael wouldn't do that especially in front of the whole class...for me anyway. Wow..is he really proving that he don't care about his reputation and that he wants to be there for me? This looks so freaky.

I could imagine what everyone's faces look like right now..the class is silent. I don't bother looking to see.

After a few minutes everyone is talking amongst themselves except for me. Suddenly I feel Michael tapping on my shoulder the same time Sidney calls my name. Shit...both of them want me...wtf.

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