But, then it was Jackson's turn to toss the ball. And I hoped that Scott wouldn't screw this up. I wanted him to prove to Jackson that he could be just as great as he was. Because to be honest, I disliked Jackson with the utmost passion.

Without warning, Jackson launched it, fire practically emerging from the end. But, to my surprise, as well as everyone else's. Scott had caught it. He had done it once again. I jumped up in excitement and rushed down towards the bleachers where Stiles was located.

I wrapped my arms around the pale boys neck. He tensed up a bit before he wrapped his arms around me himself. Probably not expecting the random hug he had just received. I smiled immensely in the warm embrace as well as feeling little butterflies tugging away at my stomach. I absolutely loved Stiles' hugs. They are my favorite thing that I can think of at the moment. I could literally melt away at the feeling.

I pulled away from him and met his hazel orbs. A large smile enveloping my features all while he smiled back sheepishly.

"He did it, Stiles! Did you see that?"

"I—I know. That was insane!"


"I don't know, it's like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball." Scott carried on. We were currently searching for his inhaler that he had lost the previous night. I was quietly praying that he wouldn't have an asthma attack while it was missing.

"I know, you were amazing!" I grinned.

"And that's not even the weird part." Scott chuckled, "I can hear things I shouldn't be able to hear, smell things."

Stiles and I rose a curious eye brow, The freckled boy then speaking up, "Smell things? Like what?"

"Like that mint mojito gum in your pocket." Scott stated blankly, oblivious to how incredibly weird that was.

"There's no mint mojito gum in my pocket." Stiles muttered, soon yanking out a small piece of gum. My eyes widened in surprise. "So this all started with the bite?"

"Yeah, it's like this weird rush of adrenaline before my body goes into shock or something."

"I actually think I've heard of this." Stiles started, "It's a specific type of infection."

Scott stopped and turned to look at the pale boy, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah I think it's called lycanthropy." Stiles smirked at me as I tried to hold in my laughter. Yes, of course. Scott is a werewolf.

"What is that, is it bad?" Scott's eyes widened. I think Scott might qualify for being the most gullible person on this planet.

"It's awful." I stated, going along with the lie.

"But, It only happens once a month."

"Every full moon." I chuckled as Stiles and I broke out into wolf howls. Scott, who was embarrassed and angry, pushed Stiles roughly and began walking again.

"Calm down Scott, you probably only have rabies or something." I attempted to calm him down, not that the statement would do much.

"I don't want that either." Scott groaned.

"Hey, your the one that heard the wolf howling." Stiles pointed his finger declaringly at Scott.

"There could be something seriously wrong with me guys!" Scott's voice rose.

"Yeah, your a werewolf, argh." Stiles chuckled, pretending to have claws and growl. "Ok obviously we're kidding."

"Yeah Scott, your probably just getting yourself worked up over nothing."

"But." Stiles continued. "If you see me melting all the silver I can in shop class, it's because Friday's a full moon."

Scott stopped. "I could have sworn this was it? The deer ran through here and the body was right there."

I nodded in agreement, remembering pretty vividly as to what had happened. Excluding the part where I was shoved against a tree by a wild animal and momentarily forgot where I was.

"Maybe the killer moved the body?" Stiles questioned.

"Or Maybe the wolf moved it." I chuckled. I heard Stiles stifle a laugh and caught Scott dramatically rolling his eyes.

"Well I hope he left my inhaler, those things are like eighty bucks."

"You said that last night moron." I chuckled, bending down as well and shuffling through the leaves.

"Yeah, well I'm not lying." Scott exclaimed, not averting his eyes from the dirt coated floor.

It wasn't long before I felt Stiles yank me up from the ground and shift me behind him, quickly tapping on Scott's shoulder. I peeked out from behind him and spotted an attractive older guy standing firmly on the ground with his arms crossed. He looked more than Intimidating. If looks could kill, we would be way past dead.

Stiles had locked his hand with mine, out of fear? Probably. But a blush was creeping up onto my cheeks anyways.

"What are you doing here?" The man asked us, raising an eye brow "Hmm?"

"We're looking for something." Scott's breath hitched, slowly rising from the ground.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly, taking a step out from behind Stiles. But he just tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me back.

"You don't need to know who I am. This is private property."

"Sorry man." Stiles fidgeted with his jacket. "We didn't know."

"Yeah we just uh- forget it." Scott nervously replied, taking a cautious step backwards.

The man tossed Scott something, resulting in him fumbling with it for a moment before the floppy haired boy opened his hand and there sat his long lost inhaler. I was just going to pretend that was even remotely normal.

The mysterious man soon vanished, leaving the three of us with a mixture of worry, fear, surprise and wonder in our eyes. What the heck had just happened?

"Alright guys." Scott looked confused for a slight moment before he glanced up at us. "I have to get to work."

"Wait dude. That was Derek Hale, remember? He's only a few years older than us." Stiles whisper yelled, dramatically flailing his arms in the air.

"Remember what?" I asked.

"His family all burned to death in a fire like ten years ago."

"Lovely. I'm going home now." I smiled sarcastically, taking a swift turning movement on my heel and walking away.

"Hey! I'm your ride!" Stiles yelled after me.

"I'll wait in the jeep." I yelled back.

"The jeeps locked!"

"Then I'll wait outside the jeep!"

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