Chapter 9: Captured

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McFist's lab (No ones POV)


"In our defense we did come pretty close." Viceroy said.

"NOT CLOSE ENOUGH, YOU'VE FAILED ME FOR THE LAST TIME MCFIST,Prehaps Its time I take maters into my own hands." The sorcerer said angrily as the screen powered off.

(Randy's POV)
I slowly sat up, I was in a hospital room with bandages all over my arms.

"Ah, Mr. Cunningham glad to see your awake." The nurse said scribbling down something on her notepad.

" You have a visitor." She smiled as she walked out of the room guiding two men inside.

"Hello Ninja." The voice laughed laughed.

"Where is she?" I growled sitting up feeling for my mask. I felt it inside my jacket pocket I gripped it tightly as if it was going to be torn away from me at any second.

"Oh, you mean Audrey why is she important to you?" He laughed.

"Let her go." I said weakly trying to force my legs to move.

"You'll never see her again along with that fat orange haired kid you two seem to hang together alot." Mcfist laughed.

"You have 3 days before I kill them." Mcfist smiled coldly.

"Why?" I said coughing weakly.

"Why, So I get the super human ability of MY choosing!" He laughed.

"Sir-" Viceroy said attempting to but in.

"Viceroy lets go." Mcfist said as he dragged Viceroy away.

(Audrey's POV)
"Howard why do I have to share a cell with you, IT could have been ANYONE else!" I said angrily watching Howard sitting angrily in the corner.

"Its not my fault, Mcfist caught us!" Howard retorted back angrily.

"Shut up, we need to get out of here, none of that maters now anyway." I said angrily as I tried to stand up being prevented by the chains binding me to the wall.

"It's no use Ninja." Mc Fist laughed as he stepped into the cell.

" McFist" I growled under my breath glaring at him coldly.

"Oh come on sweetie, You wouldn't want to disappoint me now would you?" He laughed as he stepped closer picking me up by my arm.

" The sorcerer would like to see you." Mcfist howled with laughter as he unchained me from the wall careful not to let me have a chance to escape.

"Follow me" Mcfist growled as he dragged me by my chains.

"Randy, Hurry!" I whispered under my breath wishing he was here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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