"This is not an act. I can assure you. My name is William Damian Knight. I am not this Sam that you speak of.", he told her proudly. "My name is Kaylee Jane Shay, and this whole night I've been scared out of my witts! By the way, when we first met you said how I have the same voice as hers. What did you mean by that?", she asked in bewilderment. "My first and only love was Giselle Celeste de la Cruz. We would play together as kids and grew up to love each other. In the end, we couldn't be together. Then this curse controled everything, stole everthing. Even my Giselle. But now I'm not so sure about that. Maybe I've been given a second chance.", he said as he reach out to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. "I'm flattered, but I'm not her. I'm not Giselle. And you're not Sam. At least I don't think you are.....", she trailed off looking into his eyes. "How can you be so sure?", he said with a smile. "Some legands have it that a dopplerganger brings about bad luck. In this case we might find ourselves as the bad luck in our lives and the lives around us. Although I'm not too sure that we are dopplergangers. Maybe reincarnation comes in play with this senerio. What do you think?", he asked her. "Well, I don't beleive in any kind of luck, or dopplergangers, or reincarnation, so I just think it's a quinceidence.", Kaylee reflected. "Hmm, a non believer eh? Didn't you say that you didn't believe in ghosts when you arrived here? And now look where you are. In a graveyard talking to a ghost.", he taunted her.

" Wait a minute you didn't say you were a ghost and ghosts are invisable. Except for Madame Whats-her-face.", Kaylee retorted. "We can materialize just fine. Would you like to see me in the moonlight?", he smiled at her. Kaylee felt uneasy,"I still don't believe in dopplergangers or reincarnation, but sure go ahead." William smiled a big toothy grin, and began to float into the air. When the moon's beams hit him, he was transparent, and glowed an errie blue. His smiled widened at the horror on Kaylee's face. Kaylee backed away slowly from him, positively frighted and intrigued at his ghostly form. "Relax, I won't ever hurt you. Constance, on the other hand, Constance is cruel, and greedy. She'll take your life without a second thought. I would stay away from her if I were you.", he steadily walked towards her, with a purpose of hidden desire, his voice saddened,"As for the way out, I'm afriad there is no way out. That is unless you find the truth of the curse. Only Madame Leota knew the truth, but her spell cursed this house and herself. The only thing she said to me before it was too late was my surroundings were going to change, and 'find the key, moselium.' I tried to ask her what she meant but it was too late. The spell took control of her. I ran as fast as I could, then I began to forget everything that happened, that is, until you showed up. You touched the gate! You changed things! You are the only one who can stop this curse!", he shook her. "Get your hands off of me! How in the world am I supposed to stop this curse?! I don't know anything about a key!! Unless,....", she paused and stared at the huge moselium, and walked over to it. " What are you doing?", he asked in bewilderment. "Maybe Madame Leota left her 'key' in the moselium.", Kaylee grunted as she tried to push the door open.

She then realized that there was a lock on it,"Seriously! Can you read italian?,", she asked him. "This isn't italian, this is latian. Give me your hand.", William said. "Why do you need to see my ha-OWW!! What did you just do to me?!", she complained as the blood dripped from her finger into the keyhole. " It's a mortal lock. No ghosts are allowed to enter here.", he said as he applied pressure to her finger to stop the bleeding. The lock opened, and the door gave way, and opened. "Ok, come on mr. moonbeam, let's go.", she looked at him as she stepped forward. "I can't go with you, I'm a ghost remember?", he looked apologetically at her. "You mean, you can't go with me at all, I have to go alone?", Kaylee was on the verge of tears. "You'll be fine, I promise, and I'll be right here to greet you when you return.", he shoved her into the tomb closed it shut. She started pushing and pulling on the door and hyperventilating, "I can't do this alone!!!" "Yes you can!! You've made it this far by yourself!! I haven't waited centuries for a mortal to screw this up for me!! Only you can lift the curse!! If I could do it I would and all by myself!! If I could go in there with you I would, and I'd protect you with my life!!! Well, figuritively speaking....", he sound frustrated and annoyed. "IF I DON'T MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ALIVE, I PROMISE YOU I WILL COME BACK AND HAUNT YOU FOR ETERNITY!!",Kaylee shouted at him. "You can't haunt me, I'm already a ghost.", he sighed. "You know what I mean!!", she retorted, then she groaned at the sight of the spiders and cobwebbs before her.

There were even rats, but she tried her very best to ignore them. She then grabbed a torch it wasn't lit and suddenly it lit by itself. "I hate my life.", she muttered under her breath, and then descended the staircase. It was super merky and gross smelling and dimly lit with the main coffin in the middle of a small pond. Or was it a swamp? She couldn't tell with the muddy merkyness of the water. It was so cold down there that Kaylee knew she was growing new hair on her legs. She was so super frustrated at that William guy for saying, 'don't screw this up for me.', who did he think he was? "Kaylee,", she started to say out loud for it was way too quiet,"You can't be upset. You are probebly saving all the good ghosts in this mansion. Who knows, you might even make it out of here alive." The pessimistic part of her said, 'Sure. Or die trying.' When she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she started to walk across a beautiful metal bridge to the main coffin. She had a feeling that the key was in there. She pushed the lid of the coffin as hard as she could, tryed again for the third time and it slid off. She then saw a nasty looking corpse who still had hair. She about gagged but was firm with herself, talking out loud to herself and tried not to throw up when she grabbed the key from the corpse's hands. She then said she was sorry for disturbing the corpse, walked away, shakely singing 'Zippadi-Doo Da'. Suddenly she heard a frightful noise. She then turned to see the corpse look at her and try to get out of it's casket. She ran as fast as she could up the stairs and into Williams's arms.

Kaylee was a little dased and confused laying on top of him. She looked into his eyes and saw stars in them, and also something else, gratitude. She then heard a deep moan comming from the moselium. " They're comming.", she then snapped out of her dase, and got off of him,"they're comming!! Quick!!!" She ran to the door of the moselium, and slammed it shut.

Haunted(haunted)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें