Excerpt #10

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The look in his eyes, the scars in his skin, from the monsters he's fought and the battles he's been in, they're enough to make you wonder. He looks so much older than he really is, probably from the stress or lack of sleep, or maybe just from the world. You know that he has no one left. His mother was killed, his sister wanted to be free so she left, only thinking of herself. His dad, well his dad is from legends of ancient history books, much like the monsters he fights. He has gone through so much with no one to help him, no one to shoulder the burden with. So when you see him you have this terrible moment when you can't help but think, I'm so glad that isn't me, because that would suck, and you don't know if you could have handled that. Then you realize that he can't think that, and that he probably wishes that he were you or anybody else beside himself. Not covered in scars, with terrible nightmares that terrorized you when you fell asleep. With a family and a home, and even if you also have a god from legends, at least you have some hope of a happy future and good fortune. You can tell from looking at him that his life has not been easy and it probably won't ever be easier. So you sit there and hope that he doesn't break under the pressure, even if you know that you would.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author's Note:

Thank you for reading!! I'm back to uploading on time which is nice...please be proud of me haha!!

I can't wait for the weekend so I can sleep!!! Hope you guys like the excerpt and I'll be back on Monday!


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