Chapter Six

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"Ready for day one of training?" Mo chirped happily, she wore black leggings and a purple t-shirt. I wore black shorts and a teal tank top that revealed the top of my black sports bra.

"No," I yawned. "The sun isn't even up yet." I groaned as I laid my head on her shoulder making her chuckle. First, I had magic training with Opal and Sam, who I met yesterday. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he was funny and it seemed he got along with Lucas really well. Then I got to take a break for an hour after three hours of magic. The last was defense training with Lucas, I definitely wasn't looking forward to that one.

"You'll do fine, besides Lucas will go easy on you the first time." She laughed as I shoved her shoulder.

"Because that makes me feel so much better." I chuckled as we made it to an open field behind the house. There was a back porch, a garden, and a pool that we passed as we reached smooth land. "Morning Opal, Morning Sam." I smiled as Mo sat Indian Style a little away from where I was to train.

"Morning, darling." Sam smiled, his southern accent thick.

"Morning, Quinn, did you sleep well?" Opal asked and I nodded letting out a yawn. "Good, now let's get started."


My back hit the ground for the hundredth time today and I groaned. "Come on, Winters, get a grip."

"Fuck off, Lucas." I growled as I stood to my feet. He let out a laugh and it made me even angrier. Suddenly Lucas' head flew forward like it had been hit.

"Did you just slap me in the back of the head with your mind?" Lucas asked bewildered and I started laughing. "I see Opal's teaching has improved." he smiled and I nodded, Opal and Sam have helped me very much in the past two weeks. Opal still thinks talking to my mother would help but every time she brings it up I change the subject or leave. I had been having fun with Sam, Mo, and Lucas, they are really good friends while Opal sort of became a step in mother. Lucian was hardly around, he ignored me like the plague and I felt like my heart was becoming as cold as the snow that had started falling on the ground. I guess my smile had fallen because Lucas scrunched his nose. "Let's take a break," he smiled as he handed me some water. I took big gulps, washing away the lump that formed in my throat. "So, you excited for Christmas?"

"Not really," I shrugged. Since my mother became ill Christmas was never really appealing.

"Seriously? How could you not be excited? You're getting introduced to the whole clan." He chuckled, "I'd think you'd be nervous?"

"Wait, what?" I asked and his eyes got big.

"Lucian didn't tell you about the Christmas ball?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Lucian, talk to me? Ha, that's funny." I replied harshly, venom lacing my words.

"I'm sorry, Quinn." Lucas sighed and I shook my head.

"No, don't feel sorry for me." I demanded, probably sounding like a small child. "I don't care anymore, Lucas. I guess he got what he wanted, I just don't care anymore. I'm so done with pity in everyone's eyes, and not just because of Lucian. I will not be pitied, I'm so over it." I huffed, the water in my bottle started to boil as my grip got tighter. "If he wants nothing to do with me then he can fuck off because I just don't give a fuck anymore. He wins!"

"Quinn," Lucas' eyes held a mixture of fear and worry. "Quinn stop boiling the water bottle." He rested his hand on mine and I let out a sigh. "Look, Quinn, I've known my brother for a long time. He doesn't want you to feel that way, that's not his goal."

"Whether it's his goal or not, doesn't matter. Because he's officially made me as cold as the snow under my feet."


I threw two more punches when the door to the battle room flew open. "I hope your fucking happy!" Lucas growled shoving me.

"Don't do that again." I warned but he didn't listen.

"I hope your satisfied," He roared as he threw a punch which I dodged.

"With what?!?" He threw another which connected to my jaw. Anger rose up in me and I kicked him across the face. Lucas hit the ground, on all fours. He snorted as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"I just got done watching Quinn fucking shrink away." He stood up in front of me. "You've successfully broke her, Lucius. She's done, doesn't give a fuck. She's officially as cold as you." Lucas spun on his heal and stormed out of the room.

"Fuck!" I growled as I clenched my fists before punching a hole in the wall.


"What about this one?" Mo asked as she pulled out another dress.

"Looks good," I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"You didn't even look," Mo sighed and I looked up at her sad face.

"Damn, I'm sorry, Mo." I stood and wrapped her in a hug. "I've just been in a funk lately." I smiled but she didn't look convinced. "The truth is that dress is ugly and I wouldn't let you wear in even if you wanted too."

"Thanks," she let out a laugh and for the first time in three days I smiled too. "I think you and I are going shopping for new dresses."

"I think I need some girl time." I smiled at my friend, there was a slight crack in my cold heart that let in some light thanks to Morgana.

Immortals: The Ombré Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now