1- A Week Later

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I stared at the store in front of me. I have been gone for a week, my powers completely out of control. Everywhere I go, I set stuff on fire.

The store was a gas station.

My stomach growled. I should probably eat. I haven't eaten in four...maybe five... days.

I walked into the store and looked around. I can't afford any of this.

I have one dollar.

I find a bag of chips for 50¢ and a thing of water for 50¢. Perfect.

I go to the counter and the guy says "$1.06."

Right... I forgot about the tax. Greeeaaatttttt.

"Can you cut me a little slack?" I asked. "I don't have six cents, and I need to eat."

"If you don't have the money, you don't have the money."

I huffed and walked back.

I looked around the store again.

But as I did, a person who was in line hit the gas station attendent above the head and stole the money from the register.

The guy looked at me, smiled, then threw my water, bag of chips, and a thing of jolly ranchers.

I rush out of the gas station and the guy does the same.

At least I have some food. The jolly ranchers will last a couple days.

I walked down the street and opened the bag of chips. If I have to steal to get food and water, I will.

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