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I cough as I wake up. The smell of smoke engolfs my lungs, and the air is dense.

I hear sirens and people yelling. I don't know what's going on, or why I woke up in the hallway of my school.

I cough again as I stand up. I am weak, I must've been laying there for a while.

I squint in the smoke and see a burning fire not too far away. Its on both sides.

Great, I'm stuck in a fire.

I walk to a classroom and hear yelling down below.

I look out a broken window and see firefighters working their way into the school.

I cough again and wave my hands around, trying to be noticed.

A man that was watching sees me and yells to a firefighter. I can't comprehend what he said, though.

I feel my head turn, and my stomach begins to hurt.

I cough again as everything goes black.

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