Chapter 11: Observation

Start from the beginning

"Okay, that makes sense" He laughed "anyway, we should be going now"

We both got up at the same time, knowing that we were both finished eating, and headed back to Levi's car. On my way out, I smiled at the cashier, who slightly waved to us, before catching up with Levi once again.

I let myself into his car, as he did the same. Buckling myself in, I decided to tease Levi. "I knew you weren't a gentleman" I began "You didn't even hold open the door for me" adding a dramatic sigh at the end

He began his car, muttering to himself. "I don't understand girls. One minute she wants to open the door, the next minute she wants me to do it"

I laughed at him

"You're hilarious" He deadpanned once he realised that I was teasing him.

"So I've been told" I grinned "Where are we off to now?"

"I'm 100% sure you have amnesia" He said, sending me a grin. "I've said this twice. Barnes and Noble" he said slowly.

I huffed childishly "No need to patronise me." Looking around, I realised we were heading the opposite direction to where we were supposed to be going "Do you even know where Barnes and Noble is?"

The car had stopped at a red light once I had said it, which meant it was the perfect time for Levi to turn to me and send a guilty smile.

"Yeah, I thought so. Barnes and Noble is the other way dumbass" I teased

"Okay. Wow. Rude." He muttered, sounding offended, but the obvious glint in his eyes told me otherwise. "How about you instruct me, book girl?"

"Well first, you need to find a place to make a U turn" I instructed.

The rest of the car ride to Barnes and Noble was a disaster, Levi clearly had a thing for instructions, because every time I would say something like "take the second right turn" he would turn at the first right, which meant he had to make another three rights to get back onto the main road.

A journey which was supposed to take a maximum of ten minutes, took half an hour.

We finally pulled up in front of Barnes and Noble, bickering the entire time.

"You are terrible with instructions!" I accused

"You're terrible at giving instructions! Who even says things like 'take the second right'?" He asked

"Every sat-nav ever invented!" I exclaimed

"You're not a sat-nav!" He replied

"I instructed like a sat nav so you could understand!"

"There is a reason  I don't have a sat nav in the car!"

"If you had a sat nav in the car, you wouldn't have taken the wrong turn in the first place!"

"Are you going to buy me a sat nav?"

"So now I can pay for stuff?"

"You're impossible!" He groaned

"So I've been told!" I huffed.

And although Levi and I were arguing throughout the entire time, I could quite clearly see the corner of his lips twitch upwards at my last statement.

"You're really hard to argue with, you know that right?" He asked me

"I got that from my mom" I replied, smiling at the memory of her. She pretty much used to argue with my dad all the time, he always used to give in, exclaiming now he could never win with her.

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