In Love With My "Boss"

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Ariana's P.O.V.

As I walked on the floor of my new apartment, I took a look at all of my surroundings, making sure everything was placed where I wanted it to be placed. When I had finally shifted some things around and made it so that everything was to my liking, I went upstairs and changed into my exercise clothes. With them on I finally left the house and started for the gym. I didn't have a car at the time so I just had to run there. On the way I noticed a man about 5"11, 6"0 was standing on the corner of my street. He looked kind of Spanish and he was quite good looking.

Me being me though decided not to approach him, I had a destination and I had to make it there. Getting to the gym finally, sweaty and tired, I walked through the doors and there was another guy standing there. He looked quite Spanish too. He was about the same height and he same build as the other guy and he was wearing very similar clothes. I decided to shake it off and go upstairs to workout anyway. I plugged my headphones into my phone and blasted my music, coming up to a treadmill.

I went right to running, since that's what I had been doing this morning already, and I looked up at the tv like I always do. What I saw absolutely shocked me. There were pictures of the foreign men that I had saw on the way here, and they were leaders of a group that was taking females between the ages of 16 and 21 to foreign campsites and taking them hostage. My mouth dropped about halfway to the floor and I instantly became nervous. There were three other people at the gym and after the report all of them fled the gym. The only catch was the foreigners couldn't take them, because that were all in their 40's.

I tried to remain calm as I thought about being taken hostage with beautiful Spanish men. The thought at the time didn't seem very bad but when I really thought about it, the thought kind of made me cringe. The men weren't very old but whey were probably mid 20's. I took a deep breath and got off the treadmill. I took out my headphones and once I did I heard the sirens and the shouting. "This building is being evacuated! Evacuate the premises! Anybody who doesn't do s dregs are told will be held at gunpoint!" I listened to the loudspeakers and started freaking out.

That's why everybody left! They left 10 minutes ago im gonna be held at gunpoint! I tried to keep my nerves in check as I gathered all of my things and went to the first floor of the building. Foreigners with sniper rifles were lining the walls on either side. I took a deep breath and started to walk in front of them. I almost got away but one of the men called out to another man and I froze. I just stood there. I tried to move, tried to talk tried to do anything, but I was to scared to do anything.

One of the men put his firm hands on my shoulders and pinned me down. If only this hadn't been an attempt to take me hostage, now would be a good time to get a name and number because lord have mercy the guy that was pinning me down was unbelievably handsome. I put my hands over my head like they instructed me to and one of the men came up to me with a sniper, cocking it and holding it to my head. "Now, if you follow the instructions that we give you, there will be no reason to shoot you. But if you don't follow them, I will be forced to shoot. Got it?" The handsome guy said. I felt tears forming in my eyes as I shook my head. They all nodded to each other and followed the man that had me, making sure I didn't get away. When we got to the dark colored car I knew I was doomed.

I knew this would be the last time I ever saw this town. The last time I would see my apartment building. The last time I would ever talk to my friends. They took my phone, my headphones, my keys, my hair-tie, everything but my clothes. I gave up the thought of ever coming back and I got into the car without hesitation. The man closed the door behind me and went to the drivers seat. I looked at my surroundings and realized that I wasn't the only one in this car. There were two other females that were in the car with me the only catch was, they were tied up, blind folded, and had tape over their mouths. I became really confused.

"E.. Excuse me?" I said to the driver. The foreign man turned around. "What you want?" I looked at him for a minute. "Why are they tied up? And why do they have blindfolds? And why do they have tape over their mouths? And how come I don't?" The man smiled a little. "They put up a big fight. We had to knock them unconscious to get them in the car." I nodded. That was the most clear English from somebody with an accent I have ever heard before. "You're a good girl." He smirked at me and laughed. I felt the tears building up in my eyes again as I was taken away.

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