Chapter six, 2nd and 3rd guy

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Jeff's P.O.V.

As Arianna and I made it up to the edge of the 2nd island we peered out to see if they were anywhere near us. Once we saw that the area was clear this far, we climbed onto the island, our hands never disconnected. We walked up a ways and discovered that they had been setting up traps along the beach, probably expecting us to come or something and not wanting us to get away. We carefully walked through the brush, trying not to make too much noise seeing how they could appear at any second. I looked around some more and actually found little houses that they made alone the shore line, they got way farther than we did. I decided not to go over there 1.) because Ariana didn't want to and 2.) because I didn't think it was safe.

As we neared the sound of shouting and singing and laughing we knew we were close. I looked at her and she looked back at me and we decided to jump in and start attacking people, which would obviously mean we would have to break apart and do our own thing. "Ariana let's not do that. I'm scared that I'll lose you and I don't want you getting hurt or worse, killed. But we can invade." She nodded. We both took a deep breath and stormed in, running through the camp, shouting, screaming, making a scene. The 2nd guy we had to be aware of came charging in with a sniper rifle and when he saw us he came over to us and put our hands behind our backs. He then brought us both to the middle of the camp and pulled Ariana away from me, our hands for the first time in what seemed like hours broke apart and I no longer felt satisfied. I felt like crying.

The guy held the sniper up to my head and said, "I'm gonna blow your fucking head off." Ariana had different ideas though. She ran and jumped on his back and pinned him to the ground, snatching the sniper rifle from his hands and pointing it instead at him. She held it there until I got up and she could see that I was okay. And then she shot him. "2nd boss man down." I modes my head and brought her in for a hug. "EVERYBODY, NOW THAT YOUR LEADER IS DEAD I AM NOW FREEING EACH AND EVRRY ONE OF YOU, PLEASE SWIM ACCORDINGLY AND DONT STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE CLEAR VISION OF THE BEACH. ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED THAT YOU HAVE ALL OFFICIALLY BEEN FREED! IM TAKING OVER THIS ISLAND!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Everybody started cheering as they dive off the edge of the island, swimming for their lives.

Ariana turned to me and smiled, connecting our hands again and giving me a peck on the lips. "3rd guy ready to go?" I nodded my head as we headed out of the island together. We jumped off the edge and swam to the surface of the ocean. We looked at each other and slowly came closer and closer. We were inches away from kissing each other until finally I closed the gap and kissed her as softly as I could, adding tongue from time to time. When we broke apart we knew we wanted each other, we knew we were doing the right thing now. We swam up to the edge of the 3rd island and discovered that there were no people on this island. Only a guy like me. That must have been the 3rd guy. I looked at him and he looked at me and we just kept eye contact until I walked over to him and he was forced to talk to me.

"Jeff, give it up. You're not really going to give up all we've taught you and all you have learned from us for some girl are you? That would be stupid." The guy said. "Yeah well unfortunately for you, I've found someone. And fortunately for me I get the pleasure of knowing that you haven't ever had a girlfriend because you're such a sleeze ball nobody wants to be with your sorry ass. I know from experience because all of those one night stands you had when we were at the camp, they were disgusting man. They were betrayal, they were using those poor girls to get the one thing you wanted the only thing you seem to care about. Sex.

You're just mad because I've found more than sex. I've found a girlfriend and a good companion for life. And it kills you doesn't it? The mere fact that I got what you had always wanted and I didn't even expect it to happen. I thought she would turn me down and walk away from me. But she didn't." I raised out intertwined hands, "This? This is real love. Anybody can mistake kissing and having sex for love but we have something real. We have everything we want and more and we are happy. We are so happy. The thought of that, it kills you. And that is why, you are miserable all the time, you can't handle a stable relationship to save your life, and you can't even look at a girl right now for two seconds because I just owned you." That having been said, I went up behind him, and hit the one place on the neck that could kill you instantly as hard as I could.

When he went down Ariana hugged me and kissed me and swarmed me with love. "Baby that was amazing. What you did right there, wasn't just showing me how tough you are. It proved to me that you're proud of how we are and your proud to have me and call me yours. I love you Jeff." I smiled at her and said, "I love you too babygirl. Now let's go knock out the last seven men!" She nodded her head, intertwined our fingers again, and led the way.

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