Chapter seven, 4th and 5th guy

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Jeff's P.O.V.

We neared the 4th island, never breaking our intertwined hands. He was already sitting there on a stump of a tree and he was fat. Seriously fat. 600lbs at least. I was scared. I neared him anyway with Ariana, and I gave her a look that she returned. She must have been thinking the same thing as me. As we got closer to the guy though we discovered that he wasn't even awake. He was sleeping on the log, while sitting. Ariana and I started laughing quietly enough so he wouldn't hear us and quietly passed him. We made it to the end of the island before he even had time to see us and started for the next one. But the 5th guy was fully awake. And he had weapons. Lots and lots of weapons.

We decided to circle around to a different part of the island so he would see us come in. Bad plan. Very bad plan. He circled around and met us there. "Did you honestly think I was just going to let you pass Jeff?" The guy asked. "Alright I've been on this force for five years how the hell is it that I don't know half of these people on these islands? You're probably not even authorized to be here." I stated. The guy shrugged his shoulder and pulled out a knife. I looked at him for a minute before I looked over at Ariana. She looked really scared. But just then we figured out we wouldn't have to fight this guy.

A rescue helicopter came over the trees and down to us, hovering on the ground. I looked at Ariana and she nodded her head. I bit my lip, took a deep breath, and got into the helicopter with her without even looking back. A few minutes later we were off the ground and headed to safety. We drove in silence for about an hour, mine and Ariana's hands still intertwined. "So, how did you two meet?" The pilot asked finally. "Well.. I took her hostage and held her at gunpoint, we got to the camp and we fell in love." I said. Ariana looked at me and laughed.

"Damn that's.. That's quite the story." The pilot replied. I nodded my head. "I really really love her." The pilot looked at us and smiled. I looked over at Ariana and she was looking back at me. She looked down at my lips and I looked down at hers. I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. We held it for a good 10 seconds at least. When we broke away we just stared at each other for the longest time and we didn't even care who saw us, we were so happy. "I love you Arie." I said as I moved a strand of hair out of her face. "I love you too Jeff." She said, making me blush profusely.

The pilot looked at us again and smiled, making us smile too. We looked out the windows of the helicopter and realized that we were almost out of the ocean, minutes away from safety. I could taste the freedom we would have. I'll be at her apartment and we'll drink hot chocolate every night and eat popcorn and watch movies and everything a couple really does. The thought of that made me smile and blush a little. I wonder if her parents will approve of me.. Kidnapping her and everything.

I decided not even to bring it up if time permits and I ever do meet them. I'll just keep a secret between me and my... Girlfriend. Oh shit that reminds me, "Arie, will you be my girlfriend?" She looked over at me and smiled. "I thought you'd never ask me." I hugged her and cuddled her the rest of the way there. When we got out of the helicopter and were standing in front of her apartment I realized it was all real. She was here and I was here and we were starting our future together. Right here right now. No backing out no nothing this was it. I looked at her and smiled. The helicopter started flying away and Ariana locked our fingers together. We walked to the door and she opened it with ease.

It was really roomy I have to say. Lots of zebra though and it smelled of vanilla. "Just how I left it." She smiled and said. Just then she gasped. "My bills I have to pay my bills!!" I looked at her and she frantically ran to the computer. She started typing and minutes later she shut her laptop. "Done." I looked at her and smiled. She walked over to me and started kissing me on the lips. Soft at first but then harder and more aggressive. I knew what she wanted so I started to take her clothes off slowly and seductively. "Ready to start our lives together?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "Yes Arie. I am."

In Love With My "Boss"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora